Anduril flashing guides - Win10 and macOS

I’ve spent some time recently writing up guides to get your computer set up to flash Anduril, what’s required, and the steps involved.

These guides cover getting the software installed that you will need, getting the latest .hex files, and the commands to run to flash them. What I haven’t included is where to buy the hardware, as this can be difficult to recommend sellers.

Things you will need:

  • SOIC8 clip (for Attiny13/25/85-based lights)
  • Dupont cables (to join the USBASP and the SOIC8 clip)

If you have an Emisar/Noctigon light, the flashing kit that will work on a D4V2/D4SV2/K1/KR1/KR4 is available here

The guides are available here:

Windows 10

Please feel free to add comments/suggestions - I’m open to updating the guides and/or this post.


I added a link to this in the repository’s README file.

thanks. anybody know why I need sudo for avrdude on Linux? or am I doing it wrong?

My guess is that because it’s directly accessing a /dev/ , it needs elevated permissions. I’m having the same thing when doing some GPIO things on Pi.

makes sense - thank you!

the .pdfs are very organized and clean.

This is pretty specific to Emisar product line (I would change “Terminal” in your guide to “Command Prompt” for Windows)

If you are flashing with a clip on mcu directly then you add some more steps like:

  • reposition clip
  • test
  • reposition clip
  • test
  • reposition clip
  • test
  • clean clip with alcohol
  • test
  • recheck jumper wires
  • test
  • clean mcu pins
  • test
  • change jumper on USBASP from 5v to 3.3v or vice versa
  • test
  • change jumper on USBASP back to what you had before
  • reposition clip
  • test succeeded
  • hold your breath while you wait for flash progress

Ah thank you! I’ll fix it today.

And yes haha, I know that pain. I ended up using cables from USB headers for a PC case to make my cables, and removed a pin from the usbasp so it only goes in one way.

Thanks for providing these guides. I just was able to flash my d4v2 using my mac.

One question, after flashing I did a firmware check on the light by clicking 15 times. It reported back today’s date: 2020 07 08. Is that correct?

Yes when you compile it puts in today’s date or you can set it yourself in version.h - I like to set it to the date from the source build though

Edit: after rereading your comment nothing implied you compiled it yourself. If you didn’t I don’t know why that is

I reported earlier a different method for MacOS that requires much less material to be downloaded and is closer to a regular Mac package install. It has worked fine for flashing the BLF Q8 as well as a range of Emisars.

A possible downside of this approach is that the package is not maintained, so the method might be undone by future OS updates or MCU versions. I give details of my environment in that earlier post.

Edit: I should add that this simple method is aimed at those users who want to install a given hex file, not those who want to edit the source code and compile their own hex.

Fair call; there’s definitely always more ways to do things. I just wrote up a way that works for me and I could screenshot well :slight_smile: