Anduril Flashlight Reflash Reference (UPDATED FOR 2024)

Two other posts concerning potential issues when flashing “0 KB” images:

WTS : Flashing adapters for Attiny1616 drivers (Sofirn/Wurkkos/Firelylite) - #33 by thefreeman

WTS : Flashing adapters for Attiny1616 drivers (Sofirn/Wurkkos/Firelylite) - #34 by SammysHP

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I think it’s just that USB OTG on mobile phones isn’t as reliable as a proper USB controller.

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Make sure you have AVRDude v7.2

Today Ivy from Firefly wrote me I can use PL47G2 so I can try with last TK upgrade but before I try to save original firmware

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The first problem is pogopin for firefly driver…:roll_eyes:

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Isn’t it physically compatible with the standard (eg, TS10, FC13) pin layout/spacing?

If not, then try and jury-rig something like TK’s “code fork”? Selfbuilt's Wurkkos TS30S Pro review - #14 by ToyKeeper

Is 7 pin but only 6 are used. So Hank pogo is useful but I have to add another pin for the sixth used. If I remember correctly the left out pin is not used

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That’s where these HQ Universal Keys become really handy

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I have a run of those being made at the moment, when I get them and put them together I’ll probably be selling a few.

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Thank you
I think I can upgrade with Hank pogo. I have to use DuPont wires and connect them in the right places

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Hummrmrmrmrm… 4+3 pad layout?! Weird. All I know are 4+2 for the USB ASP (eg in the Hanklights). I faintly remember reading a post (from TK?) mentioning 4+3 as an “Lexel adapter” or something.

Thanks for the reference! But IIUTC, it only handles one of the rows of these 4+2/4+3 flashing pads, right? What am I missing?
EDIT: looked closer at the pics and it indeed have two rows. Sorry for having missed it at first.

@wolfgirl42: I’m interested in getting a pair of these, please let me know when you are selling.

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I have 4+2 and 3 and I used for all what I have.
There is a way to do it with Hank pogo because the first of four is not used so one is out from the driver and with a single DuPont I cover the third pin not covered. But I don’t remember exact position because miso mosi are inverted

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:+1: May I ask what do you use as the USB ASP programmer? Hank’s?

I’m sorry for not being able to help you here, as all my experience so far is with UPDI 3-pin flashing. Actually I’m trying to gear up for 4+2 / 4+3 flashing as it seems those aren’t going away anytime soon… :expressionless:

Don’t worry. I need to use better my brain.
For now I’ve mailed firefly. I’m waiting for replay

Yes, with DuPont you can use in every way is possible.

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Hank’s one works, as do the “USBISP” adapters you can find on amazon/ebay/AE (example) with the colourful metal cases when flashed with (which needs a working adapter of either type to do, as well as you to either solder or touch a jumper wire to two pads when flashing).

If there’s interest, I could get some of the USBISP adapters, flash those, and sell those as well, but I don’t want to order a load if people already have usbasps and don’t need one.

Then you get a pack of dupont leads, and use those to create the pinout you want on the adapter.

The usbasp pinout is this:

and the USBISP adapters are slightly different but have it on the metal case, and all the important pins for the t1634 are the same, you’re just missing one V- pin but have 2 extras instead of TXD/RXD (which they don’t support, I guess, but isn’t needed for t1634 lights).

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Thanks for the additional data, @wolfgirl42. I’m still trying to convince myself to plunge the necessary $$$ on a Hanklight, but if I get one, I will surely need an adapter and I would very much prefer to get one from a fellow BLFer than from Hank.

It’s nice to see that these keys are still useful to others, after all these years :slightly_smiling_face:

They made programming a breeze for me and I still use them, as I never found the time to transition to 1616.

I amended the HQ keys post and added the 0.8mm requirement at a more prominent place to avoid confusion. Hope that helps.

Happy programming

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Welcome back to BLF, @HarleyQuin, and thanks for designing these adapters and releasing them publicly!

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Is convenient to buy from Hank because you buy flashlight and pogopin in the same time

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