Anduril Malfunction- Total Frustration beyond belief.


Yes you are correct. I watched the video again.

Jason’s a good man. Very patient calm and helpful. Not sure if he’s around anymore. He’s proof that there’s nice people in texas! LOL LOL

So I just turned it off when it did those Blinky things. A guy from England must have a different version of Anduril…his light went solid he turned it off. it was a Sofirn not sure what model…

Here’s where I still believe there’s something wrong with this light. It did this a few times yesterday, although it could not sustain output as long as it did now.

It’ll step down several times the first 2 min. Or so.And then it will sustain output. My eyes and my experience are good enough to tell that the lumens are diminishing very little if any.

. So after I programmed it this time with Jason’s video it did the same thing stepping down a few times in the beginning. Then it sustained output for 10 minutes, very close to Max output at the end as the battery was draining. But it didn’t step down. Not sure why it steps down a few times in the beginning?

Incremental Combined Max output with a Vapcell 26650 K62 is 15 min…about 3.56v….S50 Samsung only 12 minutes.

The light was getting very hot tail standing. I did a crude measurement with with an HVAC thermometer I got 137° Fahrenheit which is 58.3° C. I’m sure it’s hotter than that.

I’m going to do more tail stand test later today. See what happens. It’s raining out won’t be able to take it on a hike.

Thank all you guys for helping me.

if it steps down a few times in the beginning I’m not worried about that as long as it will after a few minutes, sustain High output.

I can imagine how long the switch is going to last! It’s well over 7,000 times I’ve hit that switch. :person_facepalming: :smiley:

Where’s the SledgeHammer video —— That would be Priceless to watch :smiling_imp:

I have been doing that with every light for 12 years to test incremental turbo run time with rest.

In addition…that is how I use it on the trail.

STOP telling me its bad…it is what I do and NOTHING bad has happened. If it does…well then it does…so far my track record is PERFECT!!! In addition…this is incremental…not continuous turbo for extended periods. When i am done i cool the light between increments if necassary.

You should NOT give advice….wrong advice about Anduril…glad I listened to the gentleman from Germany!

I can only handle so much of people telling me what to do… When I have had Zero issues.

You absolutely do NOT have the experience I have with high powered modified lights. Just about every thread you start or participate in are EDC type lights!

Peace out

Didn’t you used to be screen name Wolfdog or something like that?
Big Vinh collector if memory serves.
He could probably mod something high powered current technology with long Turbo run times for you.
Curious how you use the Flashlight in tailstand position on the trail ?

Anyway, also hate lights that step down in 30 seconds for what it’s worth.

I tail stand the lights to check the runtime at home. I tail stand the light anywhere from 2 to 5 minutes before it gets too hot. Let it sit for 3 to 5 minutes check voltage and repeat the process. If it feels like it’s really hot while the batteries are resting for a few minutes, I put it under the fan to cool it off.
That way when I’m on the trail I know how long I could run the light before battery depletion

I have several modified lights. Few of his and other people. I just bought this cheap light hoping it would be easy to program like my K1 and there would be no issues.

I choose to Let my hand be the judge and then I dial it down.

Looks like the guy who did not know all the facts and told me what I should and shouldn’t do in regards to tail standing my light……has removed all his posts!

That’s why it’s important to ask questions and be clear about situations before passing judgment on someone.

It is NOT a bad idea to do turbo runtime test while the light is tail standing. In fact it’s very safe, simple, effective and beneficial if you know what you’re doing.

For many years I’ve been doing it with no mishaps and I’ve never had a battery die on the trail or an LED die while testing or a battery blow up! I have Never had a low voltage warning go off. Because I know my lights by doing this test.

The test and the light is self-explanatory with the photo below. I will just say that the NI40 is modified. There’s no step down. This test is similar to way that I use it outside except for the winter time where I can run it more than two or three minutes.

I’m very happy and grateful for the Samsung 50s. I have nine of them. That is my go-to 21700 battery. I have a few 21700 lights and a few 26650 lights that will take a 21700. I prefer it over the Vapcell G53 which was only a few hundreds of a volt higher in the same test on another 4x6 card. The 50s obviously pushes more amps.

P42A and 40T will take a back seat and I will purchase no more unless I can’t get the 50S.

Again my test is simple, it’s pretty detailed and very helpful to me.

One other thing about this test the batteries are resting for 5 minutes so the battery has a chance to rebound. That is when I take the voltage test for the record. I check it right out of the flashlight but let it rest and that’s where all my measurements are from. They are all on equal grounds as I use the timer/ stopwatch on my phone. I have no way of measuring it right when the load is taken off.