This is for The PD90S which has Anduril.Original version…same as my K1. Where I had absolutely no issues.
I am 100% positive I am programming room temperature and thermal limit correctly. I did it with my K1 and a few other lights.
No exaggeration. I’ve literally tried this at least a hundred times that equates to over 6,500 presses of the switch! At least the switch works okay.
Click three times, three double clicks, Four fast clicks. Wait for flutter click 12 times for room temperature. Wait until flutter ends, then Two solid blinks then flutter and program for thermal limit. That’s where the issue is I make it to there do my 40 presses( now at 65 clicks!!) for a temp. Limit of 70C.
Instead of showing a solid beam it keeps blinking. It’s supposed to go solid after that when you stop and then you turn the light off to complete the process.
Setting the room temperature is a piece of cake. Doesn’t matter if I go at a slower Pace or a quick pace, it moves to the next sequence which is the thermal limit. I’ve tried the Thermal limit in three different speeds makes no difference. There must be something wrong with the electronics of this Anduril UI.
Honestly I’m not sure what you could tell me. I watched the video over and over to be refreshed I’ve done everything right it’s got to be a glitch but maybe you know something I don’t know.
PLEASE HELP… getting ready to throw this light in the river!
After about 110th time the light went solid after programming thermal limit. Then you’re supposed to turn it off which I did. Makes no difference it’s still steps down lights a piece of junk.
There are different versions out there. Also, it is unclear which version of Anduril is used in Astrolux/Mateminco lights. From my experience, the manual that comes with the light usually has the most accurate information about the UI installed on your light. Other sources of information can be inaccurate.
So, you were trying to set the thermal limit to 70C?
I don’t mean to sound negative but throw it in the river.
There is something wrong. I have had the same problem. I think it has to do with the button not engaging, so even though you may be pressing it 20x, it’s only registering 4x. So you are essentially entering a different command.
I have a love/hate relationship with andruil. Mostly hate.
Thanks everyone for the input. When I did this with my K1 it eliminated the thermal step down and it basically ran until the battery got weak, but most certainly when it got too hot to hold. I know this is a different light.
Yes, trying to get it to 70c like my K1. But it didn’t matter I tried to get it to 55 or 60 C and it did the same thing.
They gave me the wrong manual! At that moment it didn’t matter to me because I was going by the videos for Anduril one. They gave me a manual for the mt90 mini. Has the SBT 90.2 in it
I absolutely prefer Narsil. You have the ability to disable the step down… boom… no questions and simple ,done. The only thing I don’t like about Narsil is that the light on the switch is off when you’re using the light. Makes no sense to have that light on when it’s not in use. Like I’m going to put that light on my nightstand so I can see the switch? I want to see the switch when I’m using the light in the dark! But that’s minor prepare the frustration with this light. I’m very determined but in a way I am obsessed! I tried to program that light from 9:30 to after midnight and I said I have to go to bed. LOL!
No problem. I prefer to smash it with a sledgehammer! $55 light not worth selling if I was lucky very lucky I get $45- $14 for a PayPal fees and shipping. Netting $31 is not worth it. Enjoyment of Smashing with a sledgehammer, priceless!
I tried it again. After completion of thermal ceiling , It blinked once paused blink three times paused blinked once paused and continue to repeat that. It did that for about 2 minutes and I just turned the light off it’s obviously not in the right setting.
When I set the temperature limit to 70c that is good enough it will never start stepping down from there. That’s a high enough temperature and it’s never been too hot in my hand with this light not even close to the K1 so I don’t quite understand that
So why does it keep blurting out that my light is 13c I watch that for about a minute and a half how does it complete the task?
I always thought you can never disable the step down with Anduril only set the temperature limit? It hasn’t been a bad idea for me my K1 is two and a half years old use two or three times a week until it’s too hot to hold the lights still works well! Maybe a bad idea for someone who’s normal.
Stepped/smooth is both ramping mode. What the manual tries to say: Thermal regulation doesn’t work in candle/strobe/beacon/… mode, only in stepped or smooth ramping mode.
You can raise the limit by heating up the light, setting the reference temperature to 1 °C and the thermal limit to 70°C. This gives you at least 100 °C.
That is Jason w! He made that because of me and a few other people. I watched that many times.
The guy from England does the fast version and then read the slow version but he actually goes through the process which makes it easier.
Bottom line is I’ve done everything right according to Jason’s video and the guy from England, there’s something finicky about the switch or this light. Starting to wear me out!
I guess I’ll try that. Thanks then I got a call quits for a while got to put my mind somewhere else!
On the other hand it doesn’t matter what I had the limit at once it was complete it did not set the temperature weather was 50 c 60 or 70 c. It did all those blinkings nothing ever got solid this lights defective!
I heated up light programmed it same results. It just blinks out the series of blinks… no solid light where I could turn it off and set the program.
I’ve run out of patience… I’ve literally spent more than five f hours on this light between yesterday and today. I have a lot of powerful modded lights that never had any problems I’m spending all this time on this little piece of s*!
As you can see a little irritable tired and hungry time to rest have a good day.