Anduril2 modding WebUI

Hey flashlight friends :slight_smile:

me (and my GF) have been working on something small for all flashlight modders.
Many, including me, werent able to get an IDE including the compiler running for Anduril2 modifications.
And even if you did, you had to search through dozens of config-files to find the right setting


A project that aims to make all the above simpler and faster.
The Github project includes a ReadMe and so far only runs under Linux, maybe it does run with WSL/Docker for Windows but it wasnt tested

When you open the webpage you have a list of all buildable cfgs in the left.
Click on build to build it or click on it to open the right side of the window.
There you have all parameters that the selected flashlight is using, you can modify any of them and press save in the bottom right and then build it with your changes.
You can upload your own custom hwdefs and cfg files on the top left or reset everything to defaults with the button on the top right.

If a build fails, reselect the flashlight to show the log files under the configuration options

Hope this project can help atleast a single person and hopefully many more

15 Thanks

Looking forward to seeing this develop. Definitely I need to try and get some of my mod configs documented, would be nice to be able to build a set of mods from a GUI as well - I’m definitely a CLI person myself but I know for a lot of people that leap is hard.

3 Thanks

Wow neat! Following

Something like this has been needed for quite a while. It looks like it’ll really help people get things customized without having to deal with source code and an entire build toolchain.

3 Thanks