I’ve purchased several Anker products in the past, namely their usb wall chargers and cables for micro usb, usb-c, and iphone. Recently an Anker cable I purchased 3 yrs ago failed on my Son’s phone. He said he smelled something burning, and showed me the cable. It was melted right at the connector. It also burned a small dime size spot on the carpet in his bedroom.
Anker’s warranty is only for 1 year, but I took pictures and sent them anyway. Long story short, Anker quickly replaced the cable with their top of the line “Powerline+” braided cable, with no hassle, and apologized for the problem. They asked me to mail them the burned cable, and sent a shipping label, no cost to me. Their customer service was Excellent.
This all happened a few weeks ago. This morning, Anker sends me an email asking if they could share the cost in fixing or replacing my carpet. I was like “wow”. I’ve never had customer service like this from any company ever. I could easily take advantage of their generosity, but declined the offer. Going to eventually install wood floors in those rooms anyway.
Anyway, just wanted to share what kind of company Anker is. They realize customer service is ultimately the number one thing that will make their company successful going forward.
Yes! Anker is great and they really do stand behind their products. I own several of their chargers, headphones, Lightning cables, and even a Eufy 11s robot vacuum. I really love their “Soundbuds Surge” headphones, but I have had to RMA two of them. Both times, all they wanted was a picture to verify that I still have the headphones, and then they shipped me new ones. I didn’t have to ship back the defective ones. They also follow up to make sure everything is ok.
I was having problems with my SoundCore Boost battery not charging occasionally. I sent them a message after reading online they had a recall on certain serial numbers. I asked if mine was covered under the recall and if I could send it in to get the battery replaced. They immediately shipped me a new one via Amazon 2-day shipping for FREE. I offered to send the old one in, but they said “just dispose of it please.”
I own quite a few Anker products and have found them to be good value and quality.
I did have an issue where a Bluetooth speaker stopped charging 2 months after warranty ended I spoke to customer service who refused to help , I even asked if they could repair it at my cost, but it was a firm NO.
I left a honest review on amazon stating it was good sound but had let me down just out of warranty.
Very soon after Anker got back in touch offering me a newer model speaker for free.
Love there USB wall travel chargers and the Car chargers.
Never had an issue with them or the cables.
Good to know they value their customers with solid warranty service.
Good customer service doesn’t come cheap, but it does have the tendency to force better quality into the product in the first place, which in turn, lowers the cost of customer service.
I have one of there older folding solar panels, and a power bank, I have had no issues with either one. They both work great. The solar panel gets used during camping season, mostly me playing. Power bank is just a beast.
I am glad they took care of you RobertB. Reports like this will lean my future purchases towards Anker products.
I bought an Anker charger a few years ago, and was very happy with it until it got stolen. I also have purchased a few other items and been very satisfied. I dod have a small issue with one charger and they sent a replacement without hesitation. Inow look to see if they have whatever I want and buy it from them if it meets my needs, before bothering to look at what else others have for sale. Love them!
For all you Anker lovers, the Eufy (by Anker) robot vacuum is the best “tech” purchase I’ve made in many years. For about $200-300 depending on model, you can wake up every day to clean floors. If you have pets or multiple females in your house, you know about all the hair/fur that accumulates every day. Because it’s less than 3 inches tall, it has no problem going under beds and other furniture. Ours goes on patrol every night at 3AM, and it’s quiet enough that we don’t even hear it doing its thing. We just wake up to clean floors every day. It’s like magic.
I’ve always been impressed with Anker’s response to those Amazon.uk customers who give poor feedback; Anker always seem to reply to each individual complaint, and do their best to keep the customer happy. HKJ’s reviews of their kit are pretty good too.
Which model do you have? Been wanting a robot vacuum cleaner for a while but haven’t had a chance to research them yet so i’m going to be lazy and get one based on this thread The 30C i think even though i don’t need the Wifi functionality. And as a bonus they’re on sale in the UK! (Eufylife.com til 14th Feb if anyone wants to know)