
Are you sure? :wink:

Cause these kind of things may happen…Oh and it involved LT and FT “names” :stuck_out_tongue:

see this post Ti lumintop tool for $10.95 with coupon then they claim it was error so cancel all orders.

dont know if they do on purpose as marketing stun for advertising or just plain mistake.

Can’t you just tell us?

It's already been spelled out in these three posts...

Two posts are by myself, and the other by CM2010:

I was a little irritated to see they have the FW3B for way cheaper than the “group buy” I got from Neal. I wondered if Lumintop was just dumping the rest, but this thread makes me wonder what is going on.

That’s what I thought too!!

So, for example, you buy a discounted Zebralight or an Olight or any other light from store X (a non-authorized deal) at a price lower/higher than usual (meaning, you give your money to them, even if they are not selling things “authorized” by the main brand/store).

Then, because of some reason covered or not in the “official” warranty, you go and ask for refunds, technical support, or something else to the authorized seller or main brand/store. Meaning, you’ll give the official seller/brand the trouble to fix or to refund money for a light they didn’t (???) receive anything for.

I’m not sure that it is entirely fair…but I may be seeing things in a narrow way…

That thing with the LT AA Ti sold at 1/5 of the market value may be the tip of the iceberg.

EDIT: the flashlight was not sold by the price initially stated, as it was a mistake. Customers were informed about the real price to pay by FT store. Refunds were made.

This doesn't make any sense to me.

store X paid the manufacturer for the item being sold, so the manufacturer did receive their money.

How else did store X get the item being sold?

Maybe that is the point where LT wants to reach:

This may be the whole issue for them!

I am not taking sides of any of them (despite I never had troubles buying from LT and I had buying from FT).

If Lumintop doesn't want to provide a warranty, they can do that, but the consumer may not know that even though they are buying a genuine Lumintop product.

It's a very anti-consumer approach, and I don't like it one bit.


Like I said before, and I'll repeat it for you as many times as it takes:

I highly doubt Fasttech is selling fake or counterfeit Lumintop products.

Lumintop is only bringing that up to muddy the waters.

You've gotta be able to read between the lines to see what Lumintop is trying to pull here.

Some brands have ways to verify if the products are legit or not, and even to register them on the brands official websites.
Efest batteries have codes, Nitecore chargers and lights have codes that can verify/register the products bought, Wuben and Acebeam have serial numbers, Olight have serial numbers that are used to verify the authenticity of products.

Ultimately, bigger brands can start making this to avoid fake and to provide actual warranty to those products, when sold by “authorized” sellers or not. Then it will be up to them, as the produt is legit.
I am not sure if LT has that policy as I never checked for serial numbers on their boxes, lights or other materials.

And I may be seeing it wrongly again, but that seems to be more a pro-customer approach (in the way that they want people to have authentic products, and provide warranty support [hopefully!!!] ), although it is also a pro-brand approach (as it means restricting the places where the lights are being sold, and getting more direct income from the customers, instead of intermediates).

Again, I’m not saying they are right or wrong, I’m just trying to perceive their reasons for this :+1:

And I’ve read above too :+1:

Maybe so, but if you tell me this...

2) We cannot determine whether FASTTECH’s products are genuine or fake. might get a recitation.


i havent afaik….

But lumintop must provide a way for a user to tell if a lumintop flashlight is genuine or not regardless where its bought from ?

I ordered various articles over the last years from fasttech (rc stuff, vaping stuff, batteries, flashlights including lumintop) and i always received genuine products. So i suppose lumintop is mad at fasttech now for undercutting/ignoring their msrp. I am a fan of lumintop and their products but this announcement kind of leaves a weird aftertaste.


Since I've never seen a BLF thread dedicated to people receiving counterfeit Lumintop products, I'd have to agree.

I wish Lumintop were just truthful about why they're doing what they're doing.

Instead they just want to hurt Fasttech's business by lying.

Lumintop says: "We cannot determine whether FASTTECH’s products are genuine or fake."

Yet it was Lumintop that sold their products to Fasttech.

So does that mean Lumintop doesn't know if they sold Fasttech genuine or fake products?

Hi Lumintop.
If you offered a special BLF code or discount, you would make a lot of sales from this forum alone.

Cut Fasttech out of the equation.

Dont get mad….get even

You win, we win