Those toes do not look pleased with the restricted blood flow.
Make It tighter and the could legitimately guarantee weight loss! Of course two toes won’t amount to a great deal of lost weight.
you could sell “magic beans” on the internet?? and someone will buy them, lmFao…
by the way? the “magnetic induction scam” has been around a LONG time… its considered a classic…
there was a “magnetic induction” quack medical device offered for sale to cure cancer and rheumatism a L-O-N-G time ago…
magnetic earrings have been offered for sale to lose weight, sleep better, etc etc (actually? they were intended to allow wearing an earring without a hole in the ear, lol) they claim the acupuncture spot is the key to its effectiveness at altering the body’s “energy field” (one on the earlobe)
magnetic socks for injuries to ankles and wrists, lol
the copper bracelet sold on USA television to improve sports performance and injury recovery(with celebrity endorsement)
there was even a device sold zillions of the devices, it was a “super high tech” device to put on the end of a transmitting antenna to improve both transmit and receive? worked at all frequencies… and was further offered as proof, the number of sales to the military! (kind of resembled a plastic “egg” colored amber that fit on the end of whip antennas)
the truth?? it was ACTUALLY purchased by the military in bulk?? to prevent whip antennas from entering the EYE, ha ha. If you have ever tuned a whip antenna for resonance? it is possible to have the small antenna end ENTER THE EYE CAVITY and potentially pierce your brain. (i plopped one into my eye before, just once… fortunately it slid around my eyeball, and i slowly pulled OFF of it without any serious harm other than garden variety eye irritation.
when you look STRAIGHT ONTO a thin antenna from above it? (like when adjusting it up and down for resonance?) its practically invisible when you are watching a meter and raising and lowering it a HAIR at a time…
because MOST people consider electricity and magnetism to be “black arts”? the scams will continue forever.
There’s another road to invisibility. I remember the first time I saw a stop-motion puppet movie on TV. No hands, no sticks, no strings were visible.
I asked my (late) uncle how this was possible. His answer was that the puppeteers washed their hands carefully in hydrochloric acid. Very educational. 0:)