Another help me find (throwy) headlamp thread

My last Nitecore HC30W is finally giving up the ghost, so I need new EDC headlamp.
Last time I scoured the net looking for suitable replacement was at least 6 months ago, and I couldn’t find anything.
Hoping something new has come along and someone here will be kind enough to steer me towards it.
My requirements:
18650 x 1 (larger config considered with rear battery pack, but needs to be replaceable cell)
Neutral or warmer
At least 1000 lumen
Relatively short (HC30 is 98mm)
Relatively light (HC30 is 40g)
Relatively throwy. At least 7000cd, though I’d prefer >10k, and better yet >20k, but not as narrow
a beam as a dedicated thrower.
Something resembling moonlight mode (HC30 is 1 lumen)

And before all the Skilhunt fans chime in, no, H300R/H04R does not meet my needs.

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How about the Sofirn HS20 with SFT40 emitter?
It has a throwy emitter and a floody emitter (that can be used at the same time or separately.)
That’s my headlight of choice, but I don’t know if it fits your requirements. :slightly_smiling_face:

I don’t think it has a moonlight mode.
Sorry. :man_shrugging:

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My favorite.

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Seems like the Thrunite Thrower Headlamp would fit the bill, except that it’s no longer available. The TH30 V2 doesn’t throw quite as far, but certainly makes up for it with its higher lumen output.

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Looked into this in the past. Couldn’t find any review with candela. Someone who seemed to know told me that throw would be about the same as my HC30 (6600cd). I’d like more, but so far this seems like best/only option. But the oft spoken of greenish tint of that LED sounds like a drag…

TH10 V2 <7000cd, and is too heavy at 71g. I have a TH10 V2 which weighs the same. I like it, almost as throwy as the Thrower, better regulation I think, but it leaves red mark on my forehead and actually causes pain with extended use. I’ve used OEM headband, skilhunt HB3, and a couple off-brand ones with same result.

There is no lighter headlamps on this planet. Get another HC30 or 33, Zebra. MAybe Skilhunt H300 xhp50 HI ?

Sofirn HS21 lacks neutral light on the throw emitter but has neutral flood that can be mixed in with it. Really does throw too, plus it does a lot of other things right.

Throwy headlamps are few and far between, everyone will tell you that flood is superior, “tunnel vision” etcetcetc but it really comes down to personal preference and specific use case.

Last I looked (couple of years ago), I came to the conclusion that the only solution was to DIY something however I stopped working underground before I built my “perfect headlamp”.

SFT-25 in one of the old (pre-magnetic charging) skilhunts would be my go-to. It’s not clear from Simon’s website, what size the reflector is on the convoy H1, there is an option for a 60° TIR, I suspect you might be able to find a 8-10° TIR that will fit. Again, would need a smaller die LED, SFT-25 or similar. Perhaps XP-P if you can live with max only c.700 lumens?

I toyed with the idea of one of these headlamps from Kaidomain, and adding a throat LED, but the price was just too high, plus no reviews so could be horrible PWM or bad UI. I also worry it would be too “front heavy”.

I see now they also have this one which may also be a suitable host, with same caveats as the other.

That’s because 97.3% of the time flood is better when it’s strapped on your head. But we’re getting off the track.
I also think that a convoy H1 or H2 with a different TIR and your choice of LED might be the best solution.
One other option might be one of those headbands that allow a normal straight flashlight to be mounted through some loops on the top section of the strap or on the side. That opens you up to all kind of flashlight choices. Again that’s assuming your use and headgear allow that type of strap.

My throwiest 18650 headlamps:

Cyansky HS5R
Acebeam H15 v2.0
Astrolux HL02
Sofirn HS40
Jetbeam HR25
Imalent HR20

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Or you can buy convoy H1(71gr/without charging port) or H2(80gr weight/with USB c charging port) and replace the reflector with a 20° or 30° TIR lens, this in combination with a dedomed 5700k 519a(beatutifull neutral tint) would be a very nice throwy headlamp

TIR lenses for H1(and normale also for H1):

Are there any quirks related to the H1 or H2? I really like my old Skilhunt but they put the prices up and I’d like to pick my own LED/tint.

Does the boost driver have a good UI? Might think about one for an XHP35.? HI… :thinking:

The e-switch UI doesn’t have a proper moonlight. Still too bright in my opinion. Also, when you enter its moonlight mode, you can’t simply step or ramp to the next mode. You have to first turn the light off, then turn it back on, in order to allow it to change levels. Also, it remembers turbo, so if you double tap from off to enter turbo, the next time you turn the light on, it’ll start up at turbo, rather than your last brightness level.

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This is H3 with 719A 2700k and 15° TIR, the wooden garage on the right is at 100m to give you An idea.
Normaly you get similair beam with dedomed 519a and 20° TIR in a H1/H2

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Exact the same light, but with the original reflector
Not a fan of the rings in the beam…

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Damn. I knew there was a reason it wasn’t more popular.

Does this apply to the boost driver, also? I knew there was a reason I dropped this idea after I stopped needing a throwy headlamp and simply wanted one :sweat_smile:

It’s the biggest reason that Convoy headlamps aren’t as popular. For the price, they got a lot going for them, but that UI is a real dealbreaker. Simon did mention that he is going to try and get Anduril 2 working, but that might be a while.

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I’ve read somewhere it’s because of the boost driver, the moonlight isn’t that low.
With the lineair driver the moonlight should be lower?
I can’t test it, all of my Hx headlamps have boost driver and indeed, for me it’s also to bright

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