Another new UK member

Good evening all,

Another new member from the UK, Yorkshire to be more accurate.

Have an interest in EDC items and only recently more so in flashlights.

I’m looking for advice and to learn. I am currently looking to set myself up with a range of lights, to get an idea of what I like. So far I carry a fenix LD01 on my keys and also have a range of no named, ebay bought, led lights.

I’m looking to spend around £150 on a basic selection and would like a new 18650 charger and a few cells as well. Ideally I would like suggestions for an AA or 2AA light, a cr123 for edc and a single and multi 18650 light.

All help appreciated!

Hello and welcome to BLF from Cleveland.
For a basic “smart” charger consider the Nitecore Intellicharger i4v2 good for most batteries and if you shop round then you can get a good deal. The i2 is a 2 bay charger same as the i4. For cells go for quality protected Panasonic, Samsung, Sanyo it pays in the long run. Anything with fire as part of the name avoid at all costs.
If you haven’t already got one get a Digital Multi Meter and some good leads.
I’m sure others will be along with recommendations as well.

Hello Wisemen welcome to BLF. Hope you enjoy your stay.

Hi from The Smoke :slight_smile:

It's good to have you here, Wisemen!

Convoy lights are great, at a good price. C8,M1, L4,S whichever…
Yezl Y3 seems great stock.
SRK,Supfire M6 or Fandyfire yl u2, for multiple 18650’s…
AA’s are a bit harder, especially 2AA, shiningbeam caveman is apparently nice, but I think it’s only available in the US…
Starry light sa22 is nice, and budget, takes 4 AA’s.
1 AA, sk68 clone…
And a tank 007 e09 for your keychain…
Cheers, those quids should go quite far. Wish I had quid, and not Rands…. :bigsmile:

Welcome to BLF, Wisemen.

Thanks for the welcome folks. Anton, there’s a few new names there for me to look into, cheers. Must admit, I found the convoy S2+ Which I liked the look of, also the L4.

You can pay a lot more for other lights, but most of the lights I have listed here are fairly good quality at fairly good prices.
I bought a fenix e50, which cost me around $65, iirc. Although it’s a really nice light, with roughly the same money I could’ve bought a Convoy C8, a small sun zyt 08 and a tank 007 e09.
There are some really good budget lights out there, and this place should help you find them!

Also have a look at Solarforce Sales HK Not the easiest of sites to use but the lights are very good value and you get to build your own light the way you want it, get the drop-in from International Outdoor for a good choice of modes and tints. EagleTac - Sportac have a good reputayion as well.
I have many Solarforce part/lights, they are addictive and give good quality/price balance.