Another one! When will people freaking learn?

I love the certainty, they also said Trump would not be elected, he just won’t :person_facepalming:

I still can’t believe he was elected… :stuck_out_tongue:

Where were y’all last year when we couldn’t buy a cell, wouldn’t ship out? (or was that year before last?) At any rate, they can, will, and have.

This is the new age, where the unbelievable happens every day…

new world disorder…

I actually was pretty certain he was going to get elected.

My point is many official people said he would not, even President Obama, yet look what happened.
When you underestimate stupidity you are frequently disappointed.

The good new on the vape side is that so called mechanical mods - where the battery is directly connected to the atomizer without any regulation, are less and less popular (at least this is my perception). Electronically regulated mods have safety features that should prevent such accidents.

So you’re saying that since official people are not saying that lipo batteries will get banned, that they will get banned?
I don’t think so.

Are you deliberately being dense, i am saying that governments will do stupid things based on what looks good on paper.

How is the banning of a dangerous product even related to what you said??

First you claim “governments will do stupid things” and you back it up with “official people said Trump would not win yet he did”
Like, what???
How is an incorrect prediction of election outcomes even related to the banning of a dangerous good?

Now you’re saying that governments do stupid things based on what looks good on paper, so you think that banning a technology because it is dangerous and making billions of devices illegal “looks good on paper”?
By that logic we should ban gas because it is also dangerous and can explode, let’s just make every vehicle and home completely useless, because that sure looks good on paper.

Sorry, but your arguments and logic need a lot of work if you want them to even remotely make sense.

whatever you say :person_facepalming:

While I cannot vouch for Bort always making sense, I tend to agree with his stance on this one. When it comes to banning something that has caused planes to burn and crash, people to suffer horrific burns, and damages to property… and when it comes to virtually all of our cells being purchased from China, I can see officials in power banning import of our cells. We have already seen the airlines banning cells, we’ve already seen issues buying cells from China and finding some way to ship them. It’s entirely feasible that a few more instances and we could very well be unable to purchase cells. Couple that with the fact that the big name makers of Li-ion cells make them for use in battery packs, with extensive electronic control over their charge rates and such, with warning NOT to use outside of packs, well, misuse leads to abuse which leads to government intervention in SO many cases.

What happens for us here in the US may or may not happen to Canadians or anyone else around the world, every bunch of officials acts on their own accord, of course. I know that every time I take a package to the United States Post Office I am asked if there are Lithium-ion cells inside. They already don’t want to ship em. Rules are in place and they are quite strict about how these cells are packaged, usually requiring them to be inside a device and protected (by the device itself, as in phones, computers, camera’s…) so they cannot easily be crushed or gotten wet.

It should be pretty obvious though that if people would start paying attention, bring incidents to a minimum, we would be much less likely to have to worry about bans. (As If!)

Everyone has an opinion, of course, and as such everyone is free to speak theirs. Lets please try to seek the common ground and not be putting people down. Forum rules, common decency, and all that.

As far as what the government will do next, who knows? We’ve seen great issue over who uses which rest-room in public, never thought I’d see THAT happen! So I guess people (in charge) are so confused they don’t know their arse from a hole in the ground which means we are All very much in trouble.

Think the big picture for just a moment… a cargo plane is bringing goods to the US, and in it’s hold are some Li-ion cells. Let’s just say there are 4 cells, and some vape material, as this has already happened and been proven to be the cause. Turbulence causes the box to be crushed, the items are not packaged well, and we have an issue. Fire erupts. So what else is on the cargo plane? 100’s of millions of dollars worth of imports? Maybe it’s stuff one of our Congressmen worked to get cleared, boom, we have a personal issue with a Congressman who really wanted to see that plane land! Experts say it was the box of vape items, the Li-ion cells, that caused the cargo plane to crash and burn. Guess what happens next?

People in power really really want to protect their position, and will do things the general public might find ludicrous, all the same, bills and laws get passed every day that nobody in the public agrees with.

The cylindrical cells we use are pretty save shipped at their storage voltage

The critical things are charge and discharge

Mechanical they are pretty safe, even when people have little dents on the cell they are not easy to get them fail by mechanical abuse when they are stored

This picture shows Samsung cells tested with no leakage after mechanical test with a rod smashing on them

How hard is it to understand that THERE ARE MORE DANGEROUS THINGS THAN LITHIUM that are regularly transported on planes, imported, sold, and also explode

Seriously… just because it is dangerous does not mean it will get banned.

Did you know that you’re not allowed to bring aerosol cans on planes?
Did you know that you cannot send compressed gases in mail?
Did you know that those can also easily explode when crushed or heated or mistreated?

There are many things that can explode and are dangerous yet are still easily available for import or from a store.
There things do not get banned, they get restricted.
It means that you need special permission or packaging or fees if you want to transport it.
It is not possible to ban something that is necessary for billions of devices to work, for example gas.

I think the problem is that we live in a world where someone nevertheless is bound to think these cells still can be used…

“… Let me try…. Hold on… Yep it still fits… I wanna vape now… Let me suck on this one more time…”

Not wrong Dale… EXACTLY CORRECT! We had a teen badly burned last week in Amarillo vaping. He will most likely lose an eye over the deal. If you won’t hold a lighted roman candle in your mouth while it shoots off…. why would you put a battery in your mouth?? That is essentially what you are doing when vaping. BAD NEWS!!! TL

If you want vape safely you could modify any vaper with an external battery pack in a LiPo safety bag, running a thick enough cable to the battery compartment, or something look like a shisha

but in 99.999% you can avoid such a bad battery incident by taking care of your cells

So dispose a cell drained below its specs
Use a quality cell
Use a quality charger
Dispose cells when their internal resistance gets bigger or capacity dropped below 70%
Dont modify a vaper for currents the cell is not build for 30A is the most from 18650, but less current is less stress for the cell
Recharge cells when their idle voltage is below 3.6V in a high drain device
Buy vape cells from a source you get a genuie cell

My set up is different. I use a evod pro. It takes a 18650. Kangertech is very specific. They don’t care of you use their 1.5,1.2,1.0, or .5 ohm coil 20 amp battery must be used. They take clocc coils. Child lock organic cotton coils. Since kids have been poisoned from liquid nicotine. Nicotine has been used in insecticide’s for years. But anyway. The battery isnt directly hooked to the atomizer. There is a piece that connects them. And it also has a regulation chip in it. If the battery isn’t up to par it will reduce the current. Pretty much any regulated mod will do this. Around 3.3 volts underload the low battery comes on. It won’t work much longer after that before the chip fully shuts it down. The instructions even say to charge the battery externally. That you can charge USB but they don’t recommend it. And it has vent holes at the bottom for the battery. It seems the mechanical ones are dangerous. The regulated mods monitor and can tell when something isn’t right. If it wasn’t for these chips I think more incidents like these would happen. With improper batteries the chips are throttling the current so it’s not actually drawing 15+ amps from a battery they can only do 4-5

And I believe the vape shops know this and count on the technology to much. I never bought anything but liquids from the vape shops. They are triple the t price then online. But the ones by me were selling hg2, 30q, vtc5. Whether they were real or fake I don’t know I didn’t ask to see one. I saw $15.99 for a hg2 and was like good god to people really pay this.