Another Wallbuys 20-50% off sale.

They are on sale??! I can’t find them on any crazy promotion page!
Damn you kreisler, you must have got wallbuys only pair!
Wallbuys, your low stock on the good items is just an annoying tease!

I know I shouldn’t feed the kreisler… :zipper_mouth_face:

There two of the ZY-t13’s left at $18.28. I passed as I have spent way to dang much money this month!!!


are you shure you should pass on them? because i got one from wallbuys, and it is good! took it out for a walk earlier tonight and i liked the light :bigsmile:

I would love to own one but I can’t :expressionless:

To late…

Well really didnt want to pass but I have about at least 9-10 different lights coming my way- some are diy host kits all the way up to a SR King and a 3T6. LOL J)

discovery could film this, and it would be shown like Doomsday preppers or sth. :smiley:

There is another ZY-T13 for $18.28 again. Someone better jump on it!

link to light