Any better ways to spend my $12.99?

Well, the flashlight bug has bit me again… I haven’t bought any lights in ages, but I saw this pop up on ebay and it got me interested again…

I’ve wanted a BRIGHT 2 x 18650 light for quite a while, but the last time I looked, I don’t remember seeing anything that looked interesting for less than about $40. And I just never got around to spending the cash…\_trksid=p2056016.m2516.l5255

I realize it won’t be anywhere near 2000 lumens, but what do you think? Bright enough to make me go “wow”?
The last light I bought was a 4d mag lite and a mag brand LED conversion. It’s not super bright for it’s size, but I’ve only been through one set of batteries in the year and a half I’ve owned it. And honestly… I just like that it makes a good club…

In this case though, I couldn’t care less about battery life… I just want something super cheap to play with…
Any other similar lights that cheap now? I’m not particularly attached to “zoomies”

I’ve been browsing the forum on and off all day, and I just now spotted another current thread asking about what looks to be this same light…
Sorry for the re-post… But I am certainly still open to any suggestions.

Pretty good price on this light, but the batteries and possibly the charger will be junk and potentially dangerous.

As long as you buy or have good quality 18650’s this Light should be good and depending on what other lights you have it may very well ‘wow’ you. It will definitely blow away that maglite led.

$13 is very cheap. But you stated you couldn't find any other interesting lights under $40? Where did you look?

For $13 that doesn't seem to be really bad, but at the same time there are tons of other interesting lights below $40...

Do you want a light that runs on specific batteries? Or you font really care?

You want throw? Flood? Bright?

If you tell us what you want to use the light for we can probably help you better.

Do you have a li ion charger?

Somebody started a thread asking about that same light a couple of days ago.

Well, I haven’t really looked much recently. I just don’t seem to remember seeing too many multiple 18650 lights that cheap.
Right now, I really wouldn’t want to spend more than $20.

I do actually have some 18650 batteries and a charger, but they’re just cheap “ultra-fire” ones that came with a $5 ebay light about a year ago.

I suppose I would prefer more throw than flood. Honestly just want to turn it on in a field somewhere and say “wow, that’s bright” :bigsmile:


Not worth it, you can’t get 1000 lumens from an XM-L T6 otf nevermind 2000, get a Convoy C8, it will be brighter, and better throwing, this light will likely do 500otf because these lights typically have 1-1.75A drivers while the Convoy will have 2.8A

Is that price shipped? (I can’t see, seller doesn’t ship international). If so, that’s a very good deal for a starter light.

Except the serial battery is worrying when combined with Ultrafire. They might not even have protection circuit.

If you do buy the set, please consider using better batteries. Like this here, currently $9.37/pair after code BLF:

I know good battery price seem high vs cheap flashlight but they’re well worth it.



US warehouse, so you won't have to wait 6 weeks either.

Ding Ding Ding…pushing XM-L T6 at 3A you can get VERY close to 1000 [910-975 Lumen]but it will take something better than stock (aluminum star, cheap heatsink compound, thin wires, thin battery springs) to get and keep it there (noctigon/sinkpad copper star, epoxy or RTV bond star to pill, thick 20ga or better wires, solder braid battery spring…the usual basic performance tweaks)

Well, I ALMOST clicked the buy button on the C8. And I still might.
It certainly looks like a great light, and exactly what I want, but…

It just occurred to me, since it sounds like I really would have to get some better quality batteries (and a better charger?) to go with it, that I should at least look at what’s out there in the AA options. I already have a bunch of rechargable Eneloops, and I use them a lot, so it might make more sense to stick with them.

If, that is, there’s anything in the near 1000 lumen range for this cheap.
So, I’m over to the AA section to do a little reading.

I don’t think there’s anything this cheap that’ll give you 1000 lumens with AA batteries.
The only ones I can think of are the Fenix and Nitecore 8*AA torches, but they’re $100-$150

I suggest you hold back on your little luxuries for a day and then have another $10 to spend on a light, bringing you to $30 which would open up a lot of doors. Eg when I want something really bad but I’m a bit short on money, I’ll stop getting extra pickles on my burgers for a few days. Lets face it, a brighter torch is much more useful than a digested pickle.

C8 is a VERY good stock “budget” thrower, you won’t be disappointed

Recent group buy item:

Less throw than the C8 and cost a bit more. Some issues with mode change, read the thread and decide for yourself.

D40A group buy price might still be on(?) but that's $50. I ordered one but haven't received it yet.

(You can run a C8 on 4xAA's if you can find extension tubes, but they're rarer than hens' teeth for Ultrafire. FastTech has Convoy tubes, though.)

OK, I have to agree you have a point there. Lol

I’m just trying despretely to save up for a new set of tires before Mickey Thompson’s rebate ends the end of this month. So, if I go for a more expensive light, I should probably wait a few weeks.

This looks like the closest thing I can find so far in the low budget arena. A little more expensive and a little less bright than the C8, but the convenience of AAs might be worth it…

Pricey pickles down under.

in AA if you want high lumens you go for

Klarus P1A (150 lumens) or Zebralight SC52 (300) for single AA NiMH

For 4AA you would look at
Starry light (4AA), 700 lumens maybe, has some quirks/flaws
Nitecore EA4 (980 lumen) only a few minutes at max at a time, poor heatsinking
Sunwayman D40A, i don’t know much about it but seems to get good reviews

I think that about covers the best options, if i missed anything then please chime in

I think I’m going to go with the Starry light.
Even though it’s not the brightest one around, it should still be over twice as bright as my cheap UltraOK current brightest light.

The next time the flashaholism strikes, I’ll get some good quality 18650s and probably the C8, but I just think this light will get a lot more use without having to bother with any special batteries.

Thanks for all the advice! Even though I didn’t go with the C8 in this case, I never would have even heard of the Starry light without this place.

Just be forewarned that the Starry Light is not perfect. Bort can probably elaborate on that a bit for you. I wouldn’t want to have to wade through the GB thread to get all the details. I don’t think it’s a big deal. I haven’t handled mine for more than a minute, but it seemed to be what I expected when I ordered it based on the earlier threads like this one.

Also note that there are two versions available, the regular one that Illumination Supply got and a BLF edition that CNQG carries (this came about after IS got their stock).