as far as I know it’s only Eagle Eye X5
Nothing else cheaper?
as far as I know it’s only Eagle Eye X5
Nothing else cheaper?
I like the front clicky as well but theres not much choice in them is there
I wouldn’t mind one with maybe a double 18650 battery so it lasts longer or is a bit more power and lasts longer
thorfire vg 10
I got it under $10
Day before yesterday I received a Thorfire VG10 from Thorfire & More for $7,99 (with coupon) + $4 shipping = $11.99.
At first I was a bit bewildered by the UI until I realised it had a forward clicky. If that is what you’re looking for?
If by “tube light” you mean a cylinder-shape torch with only the tailcap for a switch, then I do believe it’s only the X5 and the VG10, unless you put a forward clicky on a Convoy, a small mod I’ve heard being talked about a few times.
If it can have more than one switch, you could try the Atactical A1.
I want to use forward clicky on my M1, it came stock with reverse.
Probably on the “higher end” of budget, but most SolarForce lights/hosts come with forward clicky.
Are you willing and able to solder? Most switches can be swapped pretty easily. The switches are like 10 for a dollar on the Chinese websites, and two solder pads take only a moment to remove and replace the switch.
If you don’t want to solder, you can replace the whole switch for a couple bucks if the light uses a standard size switch board. (which I believe the M1 does)
I converted my Astrolux S41 to forward clicky from Mountain Electronics. Took about a minute to swap it out.
Isn’t the X5 a side switch light?
I don’t know what the differences are between the tail section of an M1 and that of a VG-10.
But my VG-10 came with a lanyard, 3 spare O-rings, a spare lens, a spare boot-cap AND a spare forward clicky.