Was wondering if anyone had a decent price or coupon for the new colors of the S2+. I tried to order a purple one with x8 and biscoti and it was like $22. For a few bucks more I can get a A6. Now I can get a desert tan x8 for $17 all day long, so why do I have to pay an extra 5 for purple? I can get blue in x6 but in 3/5 for $12.
To hell with Convoy, mooching off of nothing but a new color. No new tech, No new UI, No new emitter. Just a change of body color.
I have only one Convoy left. First one that PM’s me gets it. No questions asked. Send me a address.
I was also going for purple until I saw the price tag. Guess I’ll stick to my grey ones for now…. too bad the metal switch and tail cap was never available as a mod. Otherwise great lights.
What I would really like is a Grey, with metal tail cap, 7135x8 with biscoti and a OP reflector. I can’t stand the 3/5 mode driver. I don’t even mind xpl hi or l2 I just don’t want rubber clickys and a crappy UI.
Exactly what I was looking for. Either black or grey with the metal switch. But they were never made/offered and you can’t take other parts unless you want a mismatched tail cap.
I build and flash my own drivers now, so that wouldn’t be a problem for me. But yeah, the squishy rubber tail is horrible.
I dont see the problem ? I think you got a little hard on a budget maker, whats 22$ ? compared to all junk that is there today u get good stuff for very little money, and they did new colors to attract more people i guess, i dont see a need for new ui or whatever. I guess the extra dollars is because of the new colors cost a bit more but once the production will go up and the colors will sell good as the older im sure the price will be around 17$ or so… but for now the added cost of the new colors isnt that big deal imo…
I guess some of us were around when S2+ lights could be had for 3-6$ on flash sale and/or with points. Prices have changed, that is the way the market works. A while ago (1 year?!) I bought a S2+ for 3.33 after points on a flash sale on Gearbest. weeks afterwards you could still buy them for 5-7$ after points.
While I do like the Convoy quality and the new colors, above 20 $US is just too much IMO. There are other products in this range. But I still appreciate Simon’s shop, service and quality. What would we do without him?
Quality of S2+ is better than A6. Convoy lights are worth the money.
Btw., after a while we will see Convoy lights at chinese resellers for lower prices.
No worries eas, No need for a nap or anything else. Just venting, it happens now and then with the best of us. I just won’t be a Convoy connoisseur anymore.
No worries from me, my last Convoy is out the door and I really don’t care anymore about the brand.
I can see your point about no changes other than colours, however I still recommend this and the A6 to any new starters to the flashlight world.
If its the case you have had enough with convoy can I ask what else you would recommend to new starters for example I tend to say BLF A6, Convoy s2, Convoy C8 and so on.
Im always interested to see what others would say as im keen to learn more.
Some days ago I saw myself thinking of this! Black and grey with metal switch would be :heart_eyes: [maybe J-Dub could intervene on this ]
In what concerns prices, am I wrong to think that making smaller quantities of those 6 new colours is more expensive than making massive quantities of black and grey S2+? I don’t know if these new colours are “limited editions” but I would think that they weren’t produced massively as the other colours.
Even if there was no “technological” (or body) improvement, perhaps the logistics of making the different colours are more expensive. Hence, production costs must be paid. Another thing to be considered: things from China are not that cheaper anymore.
GB, BG and FT can sell them with discount coupons, while Simon can provide a BLF discount. It is not cheap as buying an “old” colour, and it won’t be for a while, but then maybe the prices decrease a bit!
If you frame it a little differently, I think that Convoy lights are fantastic deals. I know it’s apples and oranges, but think of the money you (or someone near and dear to you) might spend on a fancy coffee drink, craft beer, dinner out at a mediocre chain restaurant, night at the movies and compare the amount of return you get. Convoy is an excellent way to get a competitively powered light for 1/2 or even 1/4 the price of some other lights. I’m not going to get or even suggest someone not into flashlights purchase a Zebralight, but for under $30 I can get them set up with a light, battery and maybe even a holster and have them be seriously WOW’d!
Some companies (not limited to flashlights) annoy me with a feature or lack of a feature or options they think are important and I don’t buy them. I support your choice to drop Convoy from your rotation, but to be fair, most people would be amazed at the step up in construction, power and features compared to something they might buy at Target or Home Depot. We’re spoiled in having so many affordable and nice quality lights these days. Sofirn, Astrolux and Convoy included.