Any good sources for 26800 cells?

I don’t like those green ones from ali express

I’m looking for good quality max capacity


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The number one place used to be Aloft Hobbies. Unfortunately they have been out of stock for some time.

There should be several other reliable sources.

Great battery.

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Convoy has some used ones

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I kinda meant that yellow one made by that queen company 6800 mah ,

Ali Express has them but $45 each apparently and they have those spot weld tabs on them

Does anyone else makes 6800 mah? Or does anyone else sell those queen brand?

Dont do it.

Dont pay more than $10/each.

Unfortunately, there was news a while back that Queen Batteries is no longer making 26800 cells. So there is no hope of finding the QB branded cells at reasonable prices unless you find a seller who doesn’t know or care that they can scalp them.

The main reason for the 26800 cells existence was eliminated due to rhe company using them going under (am electric car maker). So, no reason to keep making them. I think once the available stocks are used up, these batteries will become very rare and only available from China (with tabs)The Aloft Hobbies QB ones were probably rewrapped EvE cells. I got one when they were available and compared it to one (I suspect) was made by another company (came with a review light, Nightwatch NI03 Valkyrie) and it tested a bit lower for output current.

Honestly, I see no need for these batteries anymore now that 21700s have gotten so good. For the size/weight savings, you really don’t get much more out of the extra capacity vs a good quality 5000 mAh 21700 or even a 26650. Same (or better) current handling and smaller/lighter flashlight. I only use mine in the bigger lights it’s designed for.

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26800 lights have a very nice hand-filling form factor that I prefer. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The Emisar D4Sv2 just wouldn’t be the same if it had a 21700 tube. Depending on the 26800 cell you have, a 21700 could also be a downgrade in capacity. I’m well aware that my wanting more won’t make it happen, but I’m gonna enjoy the hell out of the ones I have regardless.

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I’m not concerned about weight or cri, I want the longest runtime on medium low mode. Currently I’m looking at emisar d4sv2 with a 26800 tube, coupled with the highest capacity battery I can find.

There’s also that 49650 or whatever battery but that one is a little too big. Tough 32000 mah is pretty sweet

The go-between is the 26650, which os sort of relevant today. The highest capacity 26650s are hitting 6 Ah now, and that extra 800 or so mAh with the longer and heavier battery is diminishing returns.

Yes, I’ve tested a few high output lights with the 46950 and its a great cell for those big lights.

They’re done. Kaput. No more.

And btw, not great batteries either. And imo, not ergonomic. Idk why everyone says that. I much prefer the 26650 D4Sv2 and any 21700 tube.

I’ll sell you my aloft QB ones for the same price I paid to get them shipped to Canada, $35/piece

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With the 6200mah Vapcells I get about 6500-6800mah out of them at 1 amp drain. This and the 6800mah cell which I get 7200mah at 1 amp drain I believe from the documentation their rating were derived from 10 amp draws.

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It is called personal preference. Besides, our hands may not be the same size or proportions.

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I have large hands so I’d probably like a good 26800 flashlight.
I’ll wait and see if any excellent (and affordable) 26800 cells ever happen.
And I’ll also have to wait for a nice charger for 26800 cells, so it’s going to be a while. :grin:

. . .


My Convoy M3-C is a little stubby in 26650 version. The 26800 is just right for my hand.

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:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

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:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

Personally I really like the DM11/D4SV2 with the 26800. I think they are perfect with those tube sizes.
The QB were the best.
The Vapcells from Illumn are good, but the mushroom head gets stuck in certain tubes and has to be pushed out from the opposite side. Not a huge deal, but inconvenient.
The Convoy ones seem fine, arrived at 3.7 and the tops were clean. One thing to note about the Convoy batteries, they are not labelled with mAh which means a picky person at customs/TSA might take them. Anecdotal but without that label, it could cause issue.
I heard Hank was working on a new tube for the D4SV2 but I would almost prefer a custom spacer for 21700 so I don’t have to buy more tubes. They were a 1/4 of the price of the light to begin with.

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