Any hope for my ringy beam?

I thought I could get rid of the ringy beam on my
Small Sun ZY-A629 . I took the reflector off the pill and I found the star has a plastic cover on it, including what looks like a metal piece around the dome of the emitter.

I guess this whole assembly has something to do with the electronic switch? I’d tear into the plastic cover if I didn’t like the light so much. Is the cover causing the rings?

You can very lightly stipple the reflector, but that’ll kill some throw.

No can’t do that! I want all the throw I can get :slight_smile:

Well I don’t know how to fix it. Just FYI, if you dedome it you can expect there to be a 50% chance of giving your light intense rings. I dedomed my A60 and while it threw like crazy with a tiny hotspot, it had extremely prominent rings.

Rings come from reflective material in the path of the light. Not sure what rings you’re taking about, but all xr-e will have minor rings due that metal structure (which cannot be removed), which aren’t really visible during real use. More annoying rings around the edges of the beam sometimes come from reflections off lens retaining ring or something like that.

Have you narrowed down that it’s the led instead of glass or reflector? My UltraOk I used it on without glass, then without reflector. I noticed it had no rings without reflector so I just used fingerprints to smudge the reflector a bit. Also letting the LED breath air or reintroduce some gunk on the led and reclean it or dirty it again helps. My UltraOK was about as bad as the one posted on ur link too. Now it’s better like my multi-led lights. Sorry if I dont’ help much but I’m not too familar with XR-E LED.

here’s a picture of the from your review:

Ok thanks guys, guess I just haven’t had an xr-e light before