any MMA fans out there?? (UFC)

1:21 of the 1st round - lights out Joe. Must be nice to get a payday like Pettis without taking any damage!

I love Joe..but Pettis put him out..not expected..wanted a 3 round war but instead I got a great KO..not sad but still love the Joe..

is it just me, or does akiyama slow - look like he's on xanax - or sparring w/ a buddy on a sunday afternoon?!

without a doubt, but sexyama never looked great at middleweight..

he's now fighting the strikeforce champ and looks like crap's sexyama's style lol

that was such a weird fight. he's so much more powerful than jake and seemed totally unfazed by jake's punches...I was waiting for him to unload the whole time...

time for the BIG BOYS! Any bets on the time?

happy for mark hunt. But Kongo with an 8 inch reach advantage, what are you doing?


can't believe hunto got!!!!!

like I on Bader....and there it is.....yes sir

Yes, good call on that. That slam from Rampage was pretty awesome. Seems like it could cause serious spinal damage though. Is that legal?

There's supposedly no spikes allowed but no one ever gets called on might as well be legal..was a badass slam though..I'm surprised his arm wasn't was bending in odds ways



Spiking an opponent to the canvas on his or her head or neck (see Piledriver)


I used to like watching them, until they start having too many rules & regulations. “No elbows” to “no elbows to down opponent”. Sometimes special rules such as “No kicking downed opponents” or “no kicks on grounded fighter” etc…

What sadden me the most is when they try to promote the sport with hulk hogan type characters such as Brock Lesnar to Kimbo Slice. Also promoting really amuteurs who really can’t kickbox, wrestle or do BBJ? Also falling into boxing fallacies, such as fighting repeated fighters or fighters ducking each others etc…

I think the japanese had better fighters and less politics, than the American counterpart. I still watch some old matches of Mirko Filipović or Fedor Emelianenko to Charles “Crazy horse” Bennett. Ofc, I do like American mma fighters too, Rampage Jackson, BJ Penn & Randy Couture.
But people like Kazushi Sakuraba & Shinya Aoki really are fighting at the next level.

i’m a pretty big fan!