any MMA fans out there?? (UFC)

f ing right!!!!


so, i guess nick just proved what a jerk he really is - "wahhh, he wouldn't play MY way, i don't want to play anymore"

yeah he circled off the cage!!! no fair!!! my stockton slap isn't effective when they circle!!! lol

Hey, a BIG thanks for the link. I got to watch the whole fight instead of reading it. I probably should have turned off the sound for Diaz interview however....

:) sometimes it is too slow and choppy but last night was good

pounder, where you at?

Edgar vs Henderson is going to be amazing. This is one of those fights I just can't pick sides. Everytime I think I've settled on one side, I just can't bear the thought of rooting against the other.

i'm here!

yeah I like bendo and edgar..I like edgar because he's the smaller guy, but I like em both..I think edgar will move down to 145 or 135 lbs..still should be a great fight..i'm really pumped for lauzon vs pettis though..fight of the year candidate!

Lemme guess, you taught him the left high kick? Please tell me you're kidding.

I agree with the Pettis/Lauzon fight. There is no way that fight won't be awesome. I really like them both, but I think Pettis just might be too much for Joe. However, I'd like to see Joe win.

same here..can't ever not root for Joe..

well, you might just be thankful Joe got past Melvin with his brains intact ":o) Not sure who I enjoy seeing lose more, Melvin or Diaz......

true that I love seeing Melvin lose..especially when Clementi gave the old d-generation X hump and arm sign after choking him out lmao..

holy crap rampage 6 lbs overwight!!! wtf? you got cash bet on bader right now!

guess he'll have to change his name to 'Rumpage' then....

Lol no doubt

Never been a Rampage fan. He's a great, tough fighter though. Just cause he came in overweight doesn't lessen his odds in winning, imo.

I wonder what the statistics show about overweight fighters. Seems as though they often win.

it does when the overweight issue stems from an injury..

or if he can't recover from the cut

weigh in should be same day, imo, or even at the cage...

no there is an interview with Ariel where he states he couldn't run due to injury..which means his cardio will lack also..

and holy cow what a facebook prelim fight!!

well pettis lauzon..