I have a build that would be easier if I can connect the clicky switch to the batt+. Therefor interrupting the pos over the neg side for powering up and switch modes. Any reason I should not do this or possible conflicts with firmware/hardware?
Should not cause any issues for a low current device like a flashlight, I would do it.
It doesn’t matter.
There is no difference. most tail clickie flashlights break the negative-side because the switch is at the negative end of the cell in most lights. many lanterns and other flashlights with a clickie switch near the head of on the side usually breaks the positive end or lead.
Ahhh great! That’s what I thought but thought I would check to see if there was something I was unaware of.
I’m modding an old stream light stinger for a friend of my dad’s. It’s going to have a nonlaching converted clicky switch in the tail. It will break the negative for changing modes. Then the head switch will be a forward clicky for powering on. I’m using the driver from a sunwayman c25c and a 2amp charging circuit. I’ll modify the origional wall charger for higher current.
It’s a rediculous mod. I suggest not to try it:)
Thanks guys!
It makes no difference at all for a switch on DC. For transistors on DC, it’s slightly more efficient to switch the negative.
And of course on AC you need to switch the hot wire for safety reasons. You wouldn’t want to shut the switch off and still have the light socket be dangerous.
Yes. Good point!