I don’t have a Paypal account and unfortunately my country paypal is currently closed for registration. so I can’t buy the optic from stores that accept only Paypal.
Perhaps you can buy it direct or from Bang Good.
Thank you. I’ll try.
In the Jaxman store is available 10507
Thank you. I’ll ask them.
Last time I checked, they were not available :zipper_mouth_face:
There are similar - but slightly different - optics on the LHT Flashlight Store (which is Kaidomain store in AliExpress).
Oops. You’re right. I should check first. But I was sure I’d seen them recently.
Yes. I just asked Jaxman and they don’t sell parts separately.
I have this Kaidomain optics, but they create a lot of artefacts. The beam is quite ugly, a very tight hotspot with a lot of artefacts (with SST20 and Nichia 219C). I guess that the optic is made for a very throwy triple. Is this optic comparable to Carclo 10507? From the beamshots online the Carclos seem quite smooth.
The 10507 will “always” provoke more artifacts than a 10511!
I used to put some diffuser/DC-Fix above the lenses when using that type of optic precisely due to the artifacts.
This a comparison I did with my Acebeam TK16, comparing a 10507 (left) and a 10511 (right). The leds under it are Osram W1.
You can always try Neal’s store, as he sells Carclo optics: Search: 10 results found for "carclo" – Nealsgadgets
Thank you very much for the comparisons. You have helped me a lot.
Yeah, the Kaidomain optic creates a kind of ringy beam pattern with a lot of artefacts. With Osram W1 under 10511 the beam looks very pleasantly smooth.
Do you also have a Kaidomain triple optic? Wonder if Carclo 10507 will be that bad. I think floodier leds like LH351D will create less artefacts. I haven’t tried Osram. Probably Osram W1 is a thrower?

Thank you very much for the comparisons. You have helped me a lot.
Yeah, the Kaidomain optic creates a kind of ringy beam pattern with a lot of artefacts. With Osram W1 under 10511 the beam looks very pleasantly smooth.
Do you also have a Kaidomain triple optic? Wonder if Carclo 10507 will be that bad. I think floodier leds like LH351D will create less artefacts. I haven’t tried Osram. Probably Osram W1 is a thrower?
The Osram leds are thowers indeed, so that may be a factor when looking at these comparisons.
You can check this thread (a bit longer) with some set ups I did some time ago, with carclo 10507, 10508 and 10511, with XP-G2 leds. Perhaps that can help you more: Essays with Triple TIR optics and XP-G2 Leds [PIC HEAVY!!!]
The LH351D, if compared to the Osram, will have less artifacts eventually, and will be more floody.
About the Kaidomain optic, I don’t have it to make a comparison, but being a “clear” lens, it will always have some artifacts, but will also throw a bit more light than a frosted/semifrosted lens.
I see, thanks.