Any thoughts on this one ?? UltraFire A9-T60 CREE XM-L-T6 3-Mode

Hey everyone,

Well I'm about to pull the trigger on this one. Its more money than I normally like to spend but I just keep coming back to it. I really like the looks, the 3 mode and "regulated to 3a" Anyone have one of these? or something close? I am just hoping to get a light that wont need to be rebuilt to get it to work right.


I have this one: It pulls 3.4 at the tail.

Read my reviews and overwhelming response for the KD XM-L C8 and its subsequent variants here:

Yes Be-Seen, that's the one. I didn't know if the few extra $ would make any difference in the driver. I think I will save some time and pick up the 5 pack

Dave, thanks for the info, it looks like the same specs as the one I'm looking at.

Flashpoint, I actually bought one of those based on your review, only I got the 3 mode version. I haven't had much time to play with it yet but it looks like a real winner!