This isn’t really a DIY post, but can’t find where to “discuss” lights in general… Move where appropriate.
I was just think about how I really like the lexel aux board from TIR lens with color, I think there’s gotta be a viable market and product to be had here.
Instead of aux board, why not just use 3 (or more) different color LEDs?
3 primary (or more) color led, portion of the light gets internally reflected to create a really fun look.
Each color can be use individually, or a combination of them via the UI to create a fun number of possibilities.
All colors combined SHOULD get you close to white to serve it primary purpose of lighting to make this still a valid (edc) light.
light beam or pattern on wall may create interesting pattern depending on distance and design goal.
Bonus feature, since this light can light up with at least 3 different colors. One can explore more features on the body or the pattern, etc.
there are rgb controllers, they are made to work with 5 or 12v strips, they can work with color leds as well, but you’ll need to have 1 mode driver , or a resistor for each led, since controller does not limit current, and that is all, this set up will do exactly what you ask.
My MELD UI can do continuous color mixing and also includes a mode to turn on R, G, and B together to make white. It never looks very good but it does make usable white-ish light. The only time I ever actually used it was when the main LED failed in one of my lights while out in the dark, so I switched to RGB white and could continue to use it until I could get to a backup.