I’ve been wanting to speak with someone at CREE about making a new emitter for me with an existing form factor, just a bump in power capability. Does anyone here know the direct contact information for someone at CREE who would be in the position to help me out? I’m thinking someone in Engineering dept or R&D or even Customer Service, maybe.
I don’t want to call some generic number that gets me a generic “phone answerer” that can’t really help me. I don’t think Sales dept or the Help desk are going to do me any good, but I could be wrong. That’s why I’m asking here. I don’t want to have to take the time talking to a bunch of different people on the phone who are going to make me explain my whole situation, and then tell me they can’t help me, and then transfer me to someone else who “might” be able to help me, to whom I must explain myself again, and so on…
So, is there anybody here that can help me with this?
Edit: Contact info for Nichia might be a better idea, as per Parametrek’s post below. Or Luminus, if anybody has an idea if they will do this. Or any good brand that somebody knows of that might be willing to tweak a design to make a new emitter.