Anybody ever used non-lethal shotgun ammo?

Noise isn’t going to scare this bear for long. I’ve fired shotgun blasts over his head several times. He races for the woods but he’s back the next night. I’m not afraid of him because I’ve been around bears all my life. Grew up in Northern Minnesota and moved to Alaska always working as a logger. In my younger days, it’d have been no problem—put him in the freezer. I’ve grown kind of soft in my elder years and killin’ critters don’t sit well with me unless I have to. I kind of like seeing him but hate cleaning up after him.

Any of the above solutions might work except the loud noise ones.

If they fail try hitting him a few times with 12 gauge shells loaded with Rock Salt.
You can open up a few shells & replace the pellets with the Rock Salt. Or, if you have a Shotgun reloader just make them custom.

IF the Salt makes it through the fur & lodges in the hide it will “burn” him for a while & might make him think twice before coming back.

You’d have to get fairly close & avoid hitting him in the face & eyes of course.

Not a bad idea. The garbage cans are just outside my bedroom window. He was between 15’ to 30’ away when I chewed him out last night. I’ve seen that rock salt thing on the old westerns and always wondered if it would work.

I have dropped packs of firecrackers out the window to scare away my last two bears, one small one and a huge one. That has been about a month ago and they haven’t been back yet. The big one was around twice in one weeks time before this. I wonder if a barking dog alarm would work since they seem to stay away from houses with live dogs.

22 bird shot might work out of a rifle.

You can contact your nearest WDFW (Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife) regional office and request that they deliver a trailer mounted Culvert Style Bear Trap to relocate the bear.

See bottom of page 41 and top of page 42 as an example:

List of WDFW regional offices:

Living in Bear Country:

Most of the bears that come here are sporting ear tags. Most likely moved from somewhere else. Some do get tagged in the den.

last two we saw had “earrings”, too.
they were red, with yellow symbols, and appeared to be plastic.
do not know if that is state, federal, research, or current fashion.

If you don’t want to get things into trash, use gasoline- the smell of it drives most every animal off. It’s not pleasant. I don’t know if Diesel would work as well, but Gas … (not white gas, but regular unleaded) will get left alone.
In small quantities of ingest too it won’t kill them (especially a bear) but it would make them pretty sick.

Plus it’s a lot cheaper and easier to buy some stinky stuff on Amazon and squirt it into each trash bag than it is to install an electric fence around your trash cans.

Here where i live, if a sanitation worker smell gas in trash they will not pick it up, trash fires happen inside trucks, not unheard of, now add bags full of fumes= Big bang

How about honey laced with hallucinogenics.

I was going to say hot sauce.... like some crazy hot ghost pepper sauce. That might make them think twice about eating from your trash .

Just what I need—a bear tripping as he ruffles through my garbage. :stuck_out_tongue:

If you are going to try something that requires your presence be sure to post it here first so if you don't post again we will know that maybe the bear won.

LOL, I’ll keep that in mind! :smiley:

That bedroom window would be perfect. 15 ft. might be a bit close, but 25 to 40 ft. would be perfect.
If he was at 15 ft. raise the window & get ready, then try to make him run off & pop him in the arse as he does. A shot in either “ham” should be perfect. :wink:

When I was reading this thread I was thinking of the salt shotgun.

Bug A Salt

heres some guys shooting each other with it, doesn't look like it'll hurt a bear lol.

For the bear issue you might want to get something to trigger when it tries going through your garbage. spray it in the face, or have it trigger ice water being dumped on it. I don't know what they're called but they may be pull string alarms, I used to have them as a kid and they were $5 or $9 so maybe not amazon. something like these that just make a loud noise if they are pulled apart. Very annoying noise might make it go elsewhere. Can you call animal control?

Try the pepper spray, should work. Only personal experience is the knowledge that bears find hot sauce as painful as we do. Perhaps more. Start with the pepper spray and then try ghost sauce on crackers layed on top of the garbage can.

Hit the bear with glitter and fart-spray.

The “BugASalt” looks like fun Lick, but your right; it would do nothing to a bear.

BUT “Rock Salt” in a 12 gauge at fairly closed range is a completely different thing. It will get a bears attention… or a kid stealing a watermelon from a farmers field. :wink: :D. :smiley:
I have a buddy that can testify to that. He learned that lesson the hard way back in the mid 1960’s after being verbally warned many times. :open_mouth: :smiley: