Has anyone ever seen or heard of an ultrafire knockoff 18650 labeled Uitra Flre ? Got a light a while ago from a flea market and it came with tht battery.
Not yet, it could be the labels damaged, or another knock off brand name, if you have no cells or charger, check the battery section for reviews of good cells and chargers, and don’t scrimp, good cells and chargers will last, cheap cells and chargers can be dangerous.
I have been using this battery for a while now and charging it with the on board light charger. You can charge the battery by plugging in the light. Somehow I don’t trust this haha. But the light is bright. Is there a specific reason to stop using this battery I should know about? Not too familiar with this while li-ion stuff.
I don't know the chance it could vent with flame and vent toxic gasses that permanently dissolve your lungs. :P It's always a good idea to use a name brand charger and good batteries.
>>>>>It’s always a good idea to use a name brand charger and good batteries.
Agree …. A bad li-ion can ruin your whole day or the rest of your life. The scary thing about these li-ion batteries is that the good ones are pretty safe, but the bad ones can be very unsafe. But how do you tell the bad from the good? One of the safest ways is to stick with the better battery manufacturers.
The problem is so real that USPS has stopped ALL international mailing of ANY device containing li-ion cells (EVERYTHING—laptops, cell phones, Ipads, Ipods, I-whatevers) and the cells themselves. Airplane crashes have been directly caused by li-ion battery explosions, or so says USPS.
Hey scaru: Like your tagline. Very true. My wife has NO relatives except for her now-late mother and father. Cousins, uncles, everyone — ALL gone. I don’t mean lost and moved after WW2. I mean murdered in the holocaust. Before the war, they had a very large extended family. Not one survived except for her mom and dad. Not one.
I got mine with a cheap smiling shark R5 Zoomie from some markets where I live. It’s shorter compared with most 18650’s, so I’d say it has a poor mAh capacity. I’ve used it a few times without problems, probably o.k with a more conservative R5 emitter, better as a dust collector once you have proper cells.
Really?? I read on CPF that cheap flashlights would rape your wife, murder your kids, then burn your house down. Must be a conspiracy between cheap batteries and cheap flashlights caused by the envy of knowing they will never be as good as Surefire lights and cells.