Anyone got a Lumintop Frog?

What is the UI like??

This review says it uses Narsil, which is awesome :smiley:

But this listing: 20.33€ 57% OFF|Lumintop Frosch 10180 taschenlampe 570 lumen 10440 taschenlampe 750 lumen mini schlüsselanhänger taschenlampe|LED-Taschenlampen| - AliExpress

Says it has a very different UI……

Is the listing wrong?

Mine is of recent purchase and is running Narsil.

My Frog is still in transit. Maybe it'll meet up with the Convoy (still in transit) and make more fast as it's moving this could happen (it's already in the U.S. and I ordered it 10/21).

The Frog seems kind of spendy for what it is compared to the Tool AAA at half the price, but it's unique so I bought it.

One thing I noticed, on the Aliexpress page, it says “Frog V2”, but on Lumintop Lightings page, I see no reference to a V2 version.

Without supplying a link it's hard to see what you're seeing, perhaps see the Lumintop Official Store on AliExpress.

If that is the official store, it certainly isn’t Narsil UI. Which is a shame. Wonder why the change?

Sadly it doesn’t tell you a huge amount about the UI bar the image in my opening post.

It doesn’t sound too bad. I guess it is a decision between holding and ramping/stepping for brightness or holding to turn of with single clicks doing the other function. Although clicks to change brightness prevent you gogin brighter and dimmer from a given output.

I’d also like to know if it has memory or not. And importantly, if you turn it on in Moonlight, can you then get to the next brightness level? Unlike the JetBeam Jet II Pro which when in Moonlight will only allow you to switch to Turbo…. dreadful dreadful pile of crap it is!

In response to the OP question I intended to detail use of the UI, and by the time I got done wrote a FROG v2 review.

Many thanks. :slight_smile:

Very interesting.

Sadly this sounds like an utter deal breaker…. unless I have misunderstood.


Click: Last Normal mode (memory).

2-Click: Turbo mode.

3+Click: (no effect)

Hold 1+seconds: Off.

So if I had last used High, but had completely forgotten after I turned it off. I could then later that night turn it on in Moonlight, but if I wanted to go up one step to Low there is no way of doing it, as a click will result in Moonlight —> HIGH.

Have I understood correctly?

If so, such a bad design. Shame on Lumintop for poor design philosophy.

To verify I just tried it on the FROG received from Lumintop 11/02/2022. You're correct, on this light if the last Normal Mode was High and you switched out of a Special Mode like Moonlight you would be in High and lose your night vision.

Can the Frog from Lumintop AliExpress store be flashed with Narsil?