So, I took 12 lithium Nice AA’s out of their plastic packaging to test them with Ebay’s BT-168D LCD battery tester, which usually shows less voltage due to probably applying some kind of load to batteries, it usually shows up to 0.12V less than my Uni-T UT33C DMM, other BT-168D battery tester that I have shows the same as multimeter.
Anyway, out of package all but 2 of Nice AA’s showed around 1.8x up to 1.9x with BT-168D, which would make me think that all of them should be around 1.9V and even close to 2.0V.
Two of Nice AA’s showed far less than that, one was 0.3V, the other couldnt even show voltage(both 2013.12).
It was differently, surprisingly this time, with DMM, which showed all but 3 of AA’s between 1.81V and 1.84V, one showed 1.79V and two showed between 1.4x and 1.5x(both 2013.12), while I was writing this post I redid the last two and now they show 1.65V.
Any ideas whats going on?
There are four more AA’s that I gave to my brother, Im sure they are still fresh and will do check them out eventually as well.
Previously I had bought 6 NexTorch lithium AA primaries and out of all of them only one was DOA (below 1V), the rest are fine, around 1.8-1.9V.
I guess we all should just open up tickets with Fasttech so they know that YOU or ME are not the only persons out there who got faulty batteries! Please do check them with multi meter or battery tester if you can, everyone!
As soon as I get my hands on last four AA’s I will open up the ticket and see if they issue store credit for them, because its obvious that they arrived in such state and its not because of storage or transit and they have never been used either!
Regarding their expiration date - I believe that they are NOT made in 2008(5 and 6 year expiration time seems quite odd for primaries, especially lithium ones, I know Amazon stocks high capacity alkies with 5 year expiration date though), it looks like some trademark date or something. 8 out 12 show 2013.12 printed on them, while 4 others show 2014.08, all of batteries have “Period of validity 15 years” printed on them, so someone will have to put that claim to test :D!
Any long term review takers :D?!