Placed an order with FastTech and first 7135s were restocking then a couple days the S2 host and now all my order is restocking.
Funny that when you add the items to cart they show to be in-stock. |(
Same thing happened to my last week order too. Hmm… Maybe it is due to their CN suppliers.
This happens all the time, not only in FT. I experienced this in BG and DX as well.
Yeah, ‘in stock’ means something like ‘orders do not exceed twice the suppliers claimed capacity’ or something like that.
Worked for me with Fasttech quite well for the most part, but things like that change . . .
This happens all the time not only in China. Shops don’t always show the precise stock of their warehouse on a website.
Had an order here in EU, thing at a price and supposedly in stock, turned out to not be in stock and when they finally got it it was at higher price and if I still wanted I would have to pay the higher price. Jokers, sent them to hell.
They got it from their supplier at a higher price and refused to sell it at the older lower price despite being ordered at that price. Customer service FTW.
Wow, that would be not only very bad customer service, but also illegal here. Contracts are usually binding for both sides. Domestic orders do have their advantages.
Check your order status. All my orders just turned “Ready to Ship”!
Mine is still the same restocking maybe it’s due to the Chines New Year down time, but it says that’s it in stock if you add it to cart.
I guess I will give it a few days 1 to 5 as per their definition of restocking time delay. :Sp
My order status is ready to ship. YA :bigsmile:
Thanks for the response everyone.