Anyone know anything about have any experiences with HS -8or 801 or 802

Hi all ,I have a question I have been eyeballing the unique fire HS-801 and HS-802 as a host for a dd fet mode and either a xpl ,xpl hi or newer xpg3s that have just come out,has anybody completed such a project and does anyone know ow where I can get the physical dimensions for the reflector? Anyhow thanks for any input I’m advance .

I’ve put a XP-G2 in the HS-802 and to be honest was disappointed. Not only is the beam very narrow (with surprisingly poor throw) but the host in general felt poor quality to me: poor tail-cap threading, heavy and oversized, little leeway in accepted battery sizes etc.

Here are the numbers:
XP-G2 S4 bin @ 1.5A = 32K lux (1m, calc. from 4m)
reflector diameter: ~32mm, length: ~55mm

Just realised Cree changing the XP-G2 die may be the reason for the throw not being as good as I expected but considering a good de-domed XP-G2 can reach over 100K lux at around 3A in a C8 which is lighter and significantly smaller I would rather have the C8. Sorry to put a damper on things but I hope it helps.