Anyone knows if "hkequipment" = "hkelvisfever"?

Any of you knows if the shops "hkequipment" and "hkelvisfever" is the same? I mean, same owners, different names?

Similar desings of the shop, similar products, similar prices...

A bit more difficult. On ebay, I have seen 2 similar shops.... anyone knows if "hkequipment" = "" on ebay?


[EDIT]hkequipment = just to be clear! I don't know about hkelvisfever.

Hkequipment on eBay and are the same. Hkelvisfever is different company.

They are different stores, they have different prices, different items in stock, and different people/styles when replying to emails.

They are two different companies, but hkequipment on ebay =

Thank you guys!!!

So the most important thing: hkelvisfever not equal to hkequipment