Been staying away from flashlight for a while but Banggood seems to offer a very good deal currently and I am about to pull the trigger on it. I tried to use the search function to find more information about the different version of this X3 but I couldn’t get much. AFAIK the Banggood/Wallbuys version has different AA battery carrier and also different mode groups (with a cheaper Nanjg driver like this ?). Hope someone can chime in.
Some impressions: I ended up purchased it from BG and I am happy with the light. Other than the 3*AA battery carrier looks a bit cheaply made compared with the IOS version everything else is very nice. So the below are few of my impressions of this BG X3:
The Pros:
Nice machining and feel sturdy in hand.
Well driven since it is using 8*7135 driver.
I personally love the grey anodizing very much.
Stainless steel bezel.
The Cons:
Cheap battery carrier, rattles a bit inside the light.
Missing 26650 adapter.
No AR coated lens.
Lower end of Nanjg 105C driver. Cannot pick your own preferable mode groups by connecting different star to the ground. The driver is performing exactly same with the stock Convoy S2/C8 or perhaps something like this you can find in FT.
I am not going to mod this light as this is the gift my girlfriend gave to me at my birthday last year, so please bear with me for not disassembling it and have a look inside the pill, wires… etc. :party:
I have the X3 from wallbuys. I love the light. I have a collection of about 20 lights and the X3 is my brightest unmodified light. And that is running it with an 18650. The 18650 spacer included is nice also. The X3 feels solid and the anodizing is excellent. The machining and design is also sweet. You can’t beat it for the price from wallbuys.
its 3AA, so it will only put out about 2A from eneloops so a lot less bright then the EA4
I have a cyclone c88 which is the same idea, (probably an older version of this light), the AA capability is a bonus but not really a feature, it can’t fully power the 105c (qlite) driver
When i first started out in high power lights i had hoped this would allow me to get a full brightness light without getting in li ion batteries but i was wrong
Yea, since you can’t get the full 3A out of eneloops I’ve modified mine with a different driver. I only run 1.4A max with AA as it should allow for a full hour of use at ~400 lumens. I bump it up to the ~3A when running with an 18650/26650. The body, however, is a few mm too short to accommodate longer protected cells so unprotected cells are needed. I really wish the body was just a few mm longer so I can use some protected 26650s in this light. Might add some shims here and there to make it work.
Build quality wise, mine was pretty decent. Anodization was flawless and nice too. It’s not shiny like my xintd c8. The steel bezel is also a very nice touch. Reflector has a defect (which seem to be a problem with these as others have posted about it before) but it doesn’t seem to show in the beam. The beam shows the donut profile 2-5 inches away from a wall which is a sign of a good focus. The build is HEFTY for this size light so heatsinking should not be an issue, especially with the one piece head design. On top of that, the board is also screwed down. My only recommendation is to get a copper board in there.
It’s fast for you! I also have ordered the X3 from Banggood with $31 after discounted with coupon code, but they only shipped out at 23 December due to out of stock (it appeared to be “in stock” when I ordered).
Anyway if Banggood is really good then I should receive the light within the standard-14-days, which is by next week or around so.
It is beautiful, kind of a Gunmetal Gray, lubed threads, deep reflector, kind of a cheap aa battery holder, a thick plastic 18650 adapter, no 26650 adapter, but one could easily improvise one with PVC. Ok, I loaded mine with a Powerizer 26650, draws 3.2 amps at the tail. I have a LG 18650, draws about the same amps. Haven’t tried the Eneloops yet, Yes, it is very bright and a definite thrower.
My two x3’s came in today, yea! Wow they are a gorgeous light . The only batteries I have at the moment are tenergy aa and the 3aa battery carrier is crap but it does work ok . Waiting on some 18650 but am happy to see them arrive .