I’ve been on the hunt for the perfect keyring light for awhile. The closest I’ve come was the Klarus Mi7; one was great but I lost, the second broke.
I don’t mind a slightly bulkier light than the norm as I ask a fair amount from it - I was good enough output to be able to trail run with (if I forget my HT) for about 90 mins, a switch that isn’t easily knocked on but can be used on handed, simple UI.
I’ve had a Nightcore Tip, Jetbeam Jet II Pro, Klarus Mi7, Astrolux K1 and a couple of others that I forget. Some have come close but not quite there.
I’ve recently paid attention to Noctigon/Emisar and their light, and am waiting on a K1 arriving as a dedicated thrower. And the D4V2 and KR4 both caught my eye. I’m not going to pretend that some built in RGB isn’t appealing for a day to day light that I’ll probably use more than any other.
Has anyone tried using either of these lights short-tubed as either an EDC or better still on a keyring? I’ve currently got an S2+ on my keys as an experiment, but the only downside I’m seeing right now is the diameter of the heads.
Is this a really bad idea? I’m conscious that I’ve read some quite gushing reviews about the quality of these lights and may just be looking to buy on reputation rather than functionality for my intended use.
And if not - D4V2 or KR4, anyone know the relative pros and cons of the two?
I would suggest taking a look to this ongoing thread, also about keychain lights:
As an opinion and personal preference, I wouldn’t use a D4/KR4 as keychain light due to weight and size (bulky). I’ve carried the D4 as main light for a while and it was ok, but in the keychain I always carry smaller lights, either AAAs or lights with built-in battery (RovyVon lights in this case).
I had a look through that yesterday, but there wasn’t anything there I was seeing that I was particularly sold on. The TK16 w/3xOsram’s looks faintly interesting mind, I might look more into that.
I don’t carry a separate EDC or main light - I’ve got whatever is attached to the keys and which I’ll always have with me. So I’m okay with it not being a traditional keychain light per-se.
Oh, ok I got it now !! The reason why I indicated the thread was mostly to check the size difference between the D4 and tyical keychain lights. Since you don’t carry a separate light, Maybe the D4 is a nice option! BTW, I remembered this video by Flashaholics, where he shows a D4 on the keychain!
EDIT: I also remembered the Nitecore TUP, a different light, but will end in the same size, more or less!
sounds like you should buy a D4 and test if it suits you
It does have provision for keyring use
it is bad for car ignition switches, to hang a heavy keychain
and most people carry a light off their keys
but if you want to attach to keychain, go ahead and test if it suits you
I recommend you provide a clip so you can release the light as needed