AQI( Air Quality Indices) in your town?

I don’t want to bombard this other thread who talked about the fires. So I thought I start my own based on the Air Quality Indices(AQI).

Mine has risen tremendously in the last four or five hours.

I thought about taking my nightly hike, even shortening it, but I chose to stay in and listen to The Experts.

Here is how they measure it.

These are all measured within 5 minutes.

These are four different websites that measured it. Three are close, so I have to go with those numbers.

The weather channel is the lowest one. At 198.

This is crazy.

Air has risen over 300 now.

Its just over 100 here. I hadnt heard about this until today and I was out last night trying to figure out what all those flakes in the air were and why nobody was outside lol.

I didn’t see it until I started shining a flashlight beam around. In the beam it looks like it’s snowing. First I thought it was rain or bugs and then idk I guess this is pollen or something, didn’t think twice about it. Just a light snowfall in the summer I guess. It’s ash from the fire. Crazy

Canada doesn’t use AQI in the official sources for some reason. It’s a 1 to 10 system. It’s supposed to be a 9 out of 10 today. Idk how that translates to AQI but it doesn’t sound good. Also, if these ratings are going off stuff like PM2.5, particles smaller than 2.5microns, how do these big flakes of ash factor in

I’m not sure what numbers to believe. The Weather Channel has the lowest at 255.

The other three are between 390 and 410.

Either way too hazardous. Skipping my morning hike.

I am in the Maroon area( Hazardous)…the worst area at the moment…b/w Phila. And Harrisburg,PA.

If the AQI is bad, I won’t go outside very much.
I think it’s like a non-smoker smoking a pack of cigarettes if you go outside for a good amount of time when the AQI is really bad.
Or, at least that what it seems like.
(I have smoked very little tobacco in my life.)

You are right. The healthcare experts suggest wearing N95 masks which I have plenty of.

I couldn’t miss Three hikes in a row.Nikko and I took a 1.5 mile mini hike. I Wore a mask.

We saw five other people at the park not wearing a mask. Three other dogs. The average AQI between four websites was 255. Still at the very unhealthy level.

What’s deceiving is that it doesn’t smell like smoke too much like yesterday. But I’m sure there’s bad particles in the air.

I just realized all this yesterday. I remember smelling smoke on Monday and Tuesday where I did my normal three walks, 10 miles per day. I have no idea what the AIQ was those days.

We will most likely skip tonight as it gets worse at night and early in the morning. Tomorrow is supposedly better. I don’t want my buddy to have problems.

Here are a couple of your little buddies.

Good news is it’s in the low 70s today and again tomorrow. Low humidity. Windows are closed and it’s only 70° inside here on the second floor.

If it was hot and humid and in the 80s and 90s like it usually is , I don’t have a filtration system and a lot of that outside air would be circulated in here if I had the AC on

AQI is 57 today in Middle Tennessee

1 Thank

Currently a bit of a reprieve here in Ottawa (Canada) with AQI back into the teens. However, the PM2.5 was in the high 400s yesterday morning and dropped slowly over the day.

Here’s a useful site to give you an idea where the smoke is headed: Smoke Forecast -

1 Thank

Oh great I’ll be in the eye of that dark purple spot in half an hour. That says 150 AQI here now. But the Canadian site says I’m down to a 5/10. It was 8/10 when AQI was 100? What’s the conversion here

What a mess of a system. And every website has a different number and they can only forecast like 1 hour out tops. Wind changes a little and there goes the forecast.

Also, I don’t know if this is related, but a mourning dove flew right into my house today.

I found the Weather Channel to be the most inaccurate out of the four that I was following. The other three were within 20 or 30 numbers of each other. The WC numbers were consistently 80 to 100 higher. Over the last day since I’ve been tracking it.

One of those I found an app for that I’m using. Called Breezometer. Seems pretty good.

Right now it’s 164. Still in the red. But the Phillies are playing tonight. They were canceled last night along with the New York Yankees game.

So I’m going hiking. I’ll be in a forest with oxygen and trees getting the impurities out of the air. Much better than a ballpark in a major city.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

5:30 PM on Thursday June 8th , 2023 .

Actually the other three are usually within 10 numbers of each other. I’m a numbers guy. Here are the numbers for them now.

Weather channel=276- Purple- Very Unhealthy

Breezometer= 166- Red- Unhealthy

Air 168- Red- Unhealthy

Airnow.Gov= 169- Red- Unhealthy

Again, the other three are very close and I’m going by their numbers instead of the continually inconsistent Weather Channel with overblown numbers.

Beautiful night on the trail. 4 MI Hike ~70 min.


Starting AQI=152

Ending AQI=134

Was a little concerned about my dog because they obviously breathe harder than we do. For obvious reasons.

He was fine and even had energy to play with his favorite ball when we got home.

The AQI is dropping quick. I have all my hiking locations set on my app.

At the moment the Average is 123 in my six locations.

We are now in Orange, unhealthy to the sensitive groups.

Play by play will continue tomorrow for those interested. Lol.

AQI 112 this morning at 6:00 a.m…:ok_hand:

This is my new hobby. Daily AQI checks.

It’s 41 right now and is usually never goes above 200

But my city remains #1 in most polluted city in US.



It is 43 now.

Great improvement from a few days ago when it was around 400 because of the Canadian fires.

40 total, here. - Fair
40, for fine particulates < 2.5 micro-m - Fair
39, ground level ozone. - Fair
28, for 2.5 - 10 micrometers. - Fair
Everything else excellent.
But 106F today.
All the Best,

Just jumped to 48 as I was POSTing. The wind picked up a bunch.

I always thought the AQI would be more relatable if it were expressed in cigarette-per-hour equivalent.