I've heard several members mention their fishtanks, but don't remember any pics being posted.
I'm a novice aquarium enthusiast (6 months experience) and can appreciate the tremendous effort that goes into setup and maintenance of more complicated tanks - it's a LOT more than just filling with water and stocking with things that swim.
Here's my setup - a 55 gal tank with one Oscar, a common Plecostomus , and one Rubberlip Plec:
The Oscar, named George Clinton:
Here's the Common Plec, named Bernie Worrell:
The Rubberlip Plec, named Mick Jagger, was uncooperative with posing for pics.
That’s a nice looking Oscar. I only have a betta, but know it takes a lot to keep fish healthy and happy. We got him as a gift in a small fish bowl. Decided to upgrade, so I bought a $40 fish tank with Uv LEDs and a filter. Realized he still was acting weird, so ad to get a heater too… In all, about $100 for a $5 fish.
Oscars can get dirty, but looks like you got that under control pretty good.
I’d love to get a big tank, and love even more to do salt water… but ain’t got the $$$
I’ll get a pic of my lil set up in a little bit
Nice pics of the your tank. I always liked the oscars! Its definately more work then it looks!
I was into that hobby many years ago i had like 5 tank sizing from 2.5 gallons to 55 gallons. My favorites were african cichlids they have cool colors and a lot of varieties
My tank is in a transitional phase, so my aquascaping currently leaves something to be desired. At the moment it’s populated by 4 Dawrf Chain Loaches (my favourites), an Orange Flash Apisto, and a few Tetras. I’m redoing the whole setup and adding more fish soon, so I’ll post some pics when I’m done.
here it is. i know, im no photographer… the glowing plants isnt as intense in real life
edit: and spongebobs house wouldnt be in there either… but it is the kids fish, and he HAD to have it
He is a pooping machine. I cannot overstate the amount of fecal matter that this one fish creates.
Weekly water changes and 130+ gallons of filtration capacity help out quite a bit.
Taking krill, giant mealworms, and cichlid pellets from my hand makes it worthwhile. As soon as I grab the bag of feed, he starts swimming back-and-forth while aggressively flaring his gills. He begs like a puppy, earning the river dog nickname that some use.
should try small gold fish. my brother in law has had oscars as long as i knew him. funniest thing is, i was over there with a friend, my sister goes “watch, he will bite me”. she stuck her finger in, wiggled it, and goes “owe, the F#@&er bit me!”
I used to have a 55 gallon with two oscars. That was twenty years ago. I grew them to about 13" long and finally had to take them to the pet shop. (one of several moves over the years). I was feeding them both goldfish. They would eat a couple each a day. They were the size of the end of my thumb when I got them and when I got rid of them, they could grab hold of my thumb, when I cleaned the tank. They had personalities. Great fish!
I seem to recall a recent thread where someone was trying to sell collectable LEDS that may, or may not, have been perfect for fish tanks. I’m going to go see if I can find it.
I was told that once you get them used to live meals, it makes it hard to get them to eat the pellets...is that not the case ?
The small baitfish thing is what got me started - I wanted a 10 gallon tank to house some live minnows and crayfish, so I could go fishing without having to stop by the bait shop first every single time.
Now there are 3 tanks in the house - wifey's goldfish tank, her guppy tank, and the Oscar's poop palace.
Those guppies pop out a dozen babies (or more) every 3 weeks. I may need to sneak some over to the big tank when she's not looking.
that may be true.
i know with the peeper frogs and salamaders i had, it was impossible to get them to even look at pellets. they were wild caught, so i had to buy crickets and catch live feed for them. i imagine once the oscars get a taste, the reverse would be true too