Can I get the code for Amutorch E3?
Thank You.
If only that MT03 actually was $24 USD
Received the Wainlight C8+ (C8S-G) with Osram NM1.. Thanks Fin17!
(picture comparison with Convoy C8+ Oak Brown XPL-Hi)
XPL-Hi vs Osram NM1 LED
I was curious about those 2 finishes.
Thanks for posting the comparison d_t_a !
Ask me for code
You know by chance what type the ww XP-L is?
Edited:: disregard, I’m stupid
BGC840 code for Convoy C8 has expired
Got some info from Jetbeam: Warm light is 4000K, cold light is 6000K (XP-L).
Wasn’t there a general RRT-01 2020 Thread on BLF? Can’t find it anymore.
Are you thinking of the discussion in this thread?
There was another one if I’m not mistaken. But probably I am
Yes I am. It was actually that thread. Thanks!
Thanks, I'll try to get new code.
You can use BGCONV now.
Can I get coupon for JETBeam RRT01 Raptor please.
RRT01 Raptor code please.
All coupons for flashlights in the first post of this topic ➔ LINK
All coupons for batteries, chargers and others in the second post of this topic ➔ LINK
Sorry, was a bit busy, did beamshot video and still photos but wasn't able to post about them.
some still photos:
left side is Convoy C8+ XPL-Hi 3A (5000k, 7135x8 Biscotti) at max, right side is Wainlight C8+ Osram NM1 (2.8Amps High)
I'm using an entry-level camera, so pictures may not be exactly great. But I manually adjust the camera settings (not sure if they're accurate) to these settings:
white balance: set to "daylight" setting / ISO:800 / aperture: f/2.8
I used 3 different shutter speed settings to take the same photo.
a) shutter speed: 1/10th second
b) shutter speed: 1/100th second
c) shutter speed: 1/1000th second
beamshot video (distance to wall ~ 18 meters or 60 feet)
beamshot at farther distance (opposite building ~120-150 meters or ~400+ feet from flashlight)
Convoy C8+ (XPL-Hi 3A) beamshot:
and the beamshot for the Wainlight C8+ Osram NM1