I need one charger for my AA/AAA NiMH batteries, because I want to improve the old charger I use.
I was looking for good information about chargers because I had any idea about this. I found the HKJ´s web (lygte-info.dk) and I consider it very helpful. Normally, it is difficult to find quality information like that.
I centered, after finding that web, in the termination ways chargers use, and I found that the “Opus BT-C700” is a very good charger for this chemistry.
I am looking for a charger without trickle mode, because I like to charge my LSD batteries during the night and I don´t like to be calculating when I need to take the batteries off from the charger.
I like too in this charger the low current for charging, all the modes it offer and the 4 independent channels for charging.
My worries appears because I can´t find good information to compare other chargers with this I like (specially termination ways). In the other hand, HKJ don´t review a lot of chargers, and this unit was reviewed 7 years ago.
If possible, I would like the charger could be used with an usb-c, instead a propietary source, but this is not a must for me.
In conclusion, anyone could help me finding a exclusively NiMH charger with similar features like the unit of Opus I told before? I can accept recomendations of pages of chargers reviews similiar that the page I wrote before, and any site with quality information about this type of chargers.
Thanks a lot in advance for any help you could give me.
I’ve been using batteries and chargers from https://mahaenergy.com/ for a long time for NiMH. I don’t know how they compare to items normally discussed here. I also don’t know if they trickle charge.
I have the this and like it but it’s discontinued. Some vendors may still have them in stock.
This is the new version, which I have not tried, but I would expect it to be good.
I have this from years ago and I like it, but the fan is failing. It shows as unavailable but you might be able to find a modern version. I don’t know if it trickle charges.
(Opus) BT-C3400 With Car Adapter Universal Battery Charger
Since you’re charging overnight, the Panasonic / Eneloop branded smart chargers should be fine for you. The important feature is that it should have individual charging. Avoid chargers that indicate you need to charge either 2 or 4 batteries at a time.
The Eneloop BQ-CC17 and BQ-CC75 are smart chargers usually sold as a package including 4 standard capacity Eneloops. They take about 6-8 hours to fully charge an empty battery.
The BQ-CC55 is similar but can charge cells fully in 4-5 hours. If only charging one or two cells, it can actually double the charge rate and complete in about 2 hours.
These are all rated as good chargers by HKJ. They also are not expensive. The main advantage of the Opus BT-C700 is if you want the analyzer function to tell you how much capacity your cells have
I have the C700, C3100 and also other Opus chargers, IIRC all the chargers do trickle charge which made it not good for leave the cells in all the night. It´s very compact which means it heats clearly while charging. Another thing I noticed is that it have problems with some older or cheap cells to terminate, the C3100 have not this problem. If the displayed current is correct the trickle is low. I would assume id you load the cells overnight just use a low charge current.
I don´t know your budget but a good charger is the Vapcell S4 plus. It´s more expensive than the C700 and much bigger, it´s also for some kinds of LiIon. It also do trickle charge but the HJK-review shows it´s low and should not cause problems. It have also a discharging/analyzing function. The only thing at least for some ppl is the beep signal which appears after a cell is ready.
I don´t have Panasonic chargers so I have no experience with it but I read in the past these chargers are picky with Non-Eneloop-cells; it lacks charge current options, the charge current depends on how many cells are loaded concurrent.
I like those chargers. The main problem is the lack of the rest of the functions. I like too the funtions do discharge and refresh the batteries that the Opus unit has.
On the other hand, for those chargers, HKJ´s say that they could have problems with very used batteries, because of the high current they use.
I have no idea about trickle mode, but HKJ say the C700 hasn´t got that mode. I haven´t got any more information about it.
The problem with the C3100 is that it is considerably bigger because of the chemistry it accepts. I think I read some bad comment about it, but I don´t remember it exactly.
When you speak about the problem of the termination of the C700 with old batteries, how is this? The charger don´t recognize the battery was finished, or something similar?
For now, I will try to find any charger that works only with NiMH chemistry. If I can´t find any good option, I will find some charger that admits too different chemistry.
I swear by the Maha chargers. My original C9000 from…15(?) years ago is still going strong. I’ve bought the more recent C9000Pro and it’s a worthy successor. I also have a few C800S chargers that have to be at least 12 years old and they’re still working fine, day-in, day-out. The display faded a little on the one but it’s still readable and still working.
I have noticed that some of my Eneloops are starting to get “old” and many of the smart chargers turn their noses up at them. For those, I toss them in an Xtar VC2S or VC4S and they’re quite happy with them.
Interesting story. I recently had a Keepower 18650 flake out on me...wouldn't take a charge from my Nitecore UMS2. I pulled it out of the Nitecore, dropped it into an old Zanflare C4, ran the NOR Test, and 24 hours later it was fully charged.
If the C700 is finished and shows “full” you can switch the display and see it shows values like 8mA, 14mA etc. so I think it trickle. Don´t know if there are different revisions on the sale which different behaviour.
The C3100 have a annoying fan and because it´s basically a NiMH charger some guys stated the charging method is not good for LiIon, but I never used a LiIon with it.
The C700 sometimes load too much mAh in some cells, like 1400mAh in a 1100mAh-cell which is getting hot and the discharge function maybe shows only 950mAh. Not only on old cells, there are some cheaper brands I get on Ebay and Amazon. It should cause no problems with good cells like the Eneloops. But I saw the same/similar thing with some other chargers.
I also have this charger, labeled as Technoline. I use it extreme rarely because the absolut shitty buttons drives me crazy becaus it´s more an accident if it works. I had also the problem it shows “null” if a cell with a low voltage is inserted
Trickle charging is not something you should need to worry about as long as it is low. A few hours left on trickle will not damage cells. In fact it is designed to replace the self discharge of the cells if left in the charger after it has terminated. Most chargers (all that I have seen tested) will actually pull power from the cells if you leave them in it for a period of time (and if it doe NOT do some level of trickle charging).
More than that, Silver Fox did lots of testing on many chargers. Many would add up to 5 percent to the capacity of the cells when they were left in the charger for a few hours after termination.
Having a low level of trickle charging is not something to worry about for overnight charging. At least, I wouldn’t let it become the determining factor in buying a charger.
If the new C9000PRO is like the ones I have used for years, the 50 mA that it trickles at will do nothing but help the batteries if left in it for a few hours after termination. (for NiMH cells, NOT LiION)
One suggestion, if you charge a bunch of cells and are not worried about data or numbers, but just a great charger for up to 8 cells:
Powerex MH-C800S.
It has slow and fast charging and can “condition” cells (charge/discharge/charge) . It does, however, trickle… but as I said above, I think that is a good feature.
I would not touch maha or powerex chargers. overpriced and absolutely crap. and they give no support.
look on reviews on amazon and people all have the same complaints. screen is anemic. you cant see anything.
the cord comes out the back is so stiff with a small horrible connector. it bends the pins inside too easily.
get something with a side connection or one with a thinner wire so it doesnt leverage the cable pins and gets bent easily.
I use many chargers and aa batteries as I shoot weddings. these powerex / maha are garbage design. look elsewhere
im not saying a specific brand to buy. im saying, from my very short experience with these garbage chargers that effed up the design. ive already posted it to many groups online of other pro photogs not to buy them.
Interesting. I have 5 Maha chargers. 4 Mc9000s and an 808. From 5 to 8 years old. They all work great. Reviews and experience show that their algorithm is spot on. They are very flexible in use. None have given me ANY problems… AND I use them just about daily. I think I have 15 chqargers, including a few of the ones that were recommended in this thread. They don’t get used that much (not until I have to charge more than 24 cells at once). Sorry you have had problems, but I thought I would give the other side of the story.
Though I do not have experience with the new version of the 9000… so YMMV. But the reviews on it and test data show it to be a great charger too!
you can have 70 for all I care. theyre hot garbage. for free I wouldnt take it. I make sure to constantly to let as many as I know not to touch them
I also have to believe there are pr reps who downplay negativity on products.
the battle for products are online so many companies have representives online in forums and such playing as regular users like yourself. undercover pr reps. I am no rep because im no fanboy to any company.
but actually amazon reviews otherwise. screen is dim, you cant see a damn thing. nothing. the shetty stiff cable in the back is badly designed. so when you want to see whats happening, you lift it upwards tilted at you. slowly over time, you bend the pins inside the connector, then it slips out, you try to push the cable in, but the pins are bent. it will go in, and then it will short itself. 3 months and failed charger. absolutely garbage. and the power brick is HUGE and HEAVY. I couldnt even carry such a thing with me to weddings its a nuisance. and the fit of the batteries in the tray is crap. I need a small screwdriver to leverage them out each time. they sit flush in the tray. pita to remove.
garbage chargers. overpriced garbage. you can easily buy better chargers for less. im certain I persuaded MANY photographers from ever buying their chargers. a few even agreed not to buy them.
I have an Older Powerex C9000 —Great charger and has been for years — The 12v Wal-wart is sort of small , the cord is very flexible and the screen is nicely visible —it even has a fold out rod underneath to raise the back for heat and visibility — I always use this charger for testing my batteries — I like the rest period between cycles
I also have several USB chargers from different manufacturers for everyday charging , plus all the Opus, MiBoxer , Vapecell , Etc
Must be some long Weddings to be able to fully charge NiMh in the field —— I’m no professional and I have well over 200 AA and AAA batteries
could the c9000 was a time when they cared to make good products. on one hand, the charger I have (1 powerex is dead) does charge batteries fast. but there is a HUGE delay from when you put batteries in the tray, till it decides what situation they are in and till it shows it. extremely slow
the other HUGE flaw is the crap screen thats so dim. no backlight at all. im going to take a picture so people can see how horrible it is.
also they give you an 8 cell holder for the batteries. super hard to fit batteries and close it. you really need to fight with it.
we shoot 12 hour weddings. yesterday I took it with me and regret it. it charges fast but has so many other flaws. its bulky and heavy. and at the place, the lights are off and you cant see a thing on the screen. forget about it.
the cable on this charger is extremely stiff and thick and not flexible. vs the vapex tech, vs the tenergy or even the cheap ikea 8 cells chargers. the power brick the powerex comes with is HUGE and heavy.
how many cells you have, isnt relevent. I have cells because I use them for work.
garbage product. complete waste of money. customer service is crap too