Are there any better charger to use it exclusively with AA/AAA NiMH Batteries?

I would not touch maha or powerex chargers. overpriced and absolutely crap. and they give no support.

look on reviews on amazon and people all have the same complaints. screen is anemic. you cant see anything.
the cord comes out the back is so stiff with a small horrible connector. it bends the pins inside too easily.

get something with a side connection or one with a thinner wire so it doesnt leverage the cable pins and gets bent easily.

I use many chargers and aa batteries as I shoot weddings. these powerex / maha are garbage design. look elsewhere

im not saying a specific brand to buy. im saying, from my very short experience with these garbage chargers that effed up the design. ive already posted it to many groups online of other pro photogs not to buy them.