Hi guys, I’m new to the forum. I found your site while searching for some info regarding the switch play of my SP32 and I’m thankful for the info you shared here. Very useful guide your reviews, too!
I now have a Sofirn SP31V2 and SP32AV2 in silver and gold. Recently, I brought them to work and came to realize, that the black Sp31 seem to be more suited in a professional or tradesman setting. Which brings me to ask, are there other models like the SP31, small with dual switches at the same price category? A colleague looked at my SP31 and decided to buy one himself. He has a more famous model of the same size at almost 6 times the cost. I convinced him to try out Sofirn. I bought my lights from the Sofirn store in lazada.
There is something about a dedicated button for power and another button for adjustment that suggests to me this is a proper work tool. The momentary on at half press was also clever. Its hottest setting (turbo mode) isn’t hidden but part of the normal cycle, which seem to say, you’re a pro, you should know what you are doing, I can only hope, LOL! For me at least, the SP31 is very business-like in looks and demeanor. Maybe there are others like it.
Photos for reference:
Use case at work, my SP31V2 providing focused light on inherently hazardous work area. I work on live electrical panels and busbars, 460V and below. The sound the tail switch make was really cool!
Here’s where I keep my flashlights at home. Yes, it’s a sauce rack and its perfect!
Side by side view. The SP32s were really gorgeous. But when the novelty of the colors soon passed you’re still left with high performance flashlights…
While walking the dog…
While walking with my wife in the evening… (left beam from SP32A, right from SP31)
I always liked the Sofirn SPxx series, but never EDCed any. Got the UT20, loved it, and that became my EDC until my current MH20 displaced it. Everything was just… right… on the UT20.
I have a Fenix PD35TAC (I bought the yellow cerakote model) with dual switches. I too have the Sofirn SP31. Truthfully, performance-wise, I like the Sofirn better…I was surprised by that as I assumed the Fenix would really blow it away. Sofirn really packs a lot of value in a very economical package.
Yep I had the similar PD35V2 and the Sofirn and I totally agree with you. The Fenix build seemed a bit better overall but functionally very similar and I liked the beam on the Sofirn a bit better. Sofirn definitely the winner when adding price into the equation.
I appreciate your suggestions. I think that the model mentioned by my colleague was a Fenix, although I did not see it. Looking at online prices of the PD35TAC, it’s in the ball park of about 4 to 6 times the cost of the SP31 depending on source, so his price estimate was correct.
I’ve also read about the Wuben TO40R and TO46R. But the CNY sale of the Sofirn lazada store was hard to resist, so I ordered one more SP31V2 and SP40 package kits.