Are we not capable of a little better?

SB, what about a recent posts sticky with your posting about the Rules. The recent posts are a cascade, stuff can drop off the front page in a matter of an hour, some sort of sticky or banner with your rules and thoughts on them would help….

No idea how feasible this would be as I am not a website maker…

I think it better to have to bump “how to deal with trolls” since it requires an active effort to move it back up the list and is a low key way to post a reminder without actually posting something new. Better to bump that thread than say anything else.

It's so difficult dealing with Trolls

It's been said they don't even have souls

Please try never to feed them

We really don't need them

Preventing us reaching our goals

Well said

I’m still a bit of a newbie around here, so take my observation with a grain of salt.

I think a problem with groupbuy complainers is that they aren’t really familiar with the fact that this is budget light forum. New people who join just for a GB expect the level of quality of the GB lights to be the same as items or lights they already own (Fenix, Nitecore, etc.). They aren’t familiar with the small cosmetic, or functional problems that some of these lights have here and there, so they become upset and vocal for that fact. If they hung around here a bit and became more familiar with how things are, maybe they’ll tone down what they believe they will receive.

A simple idea that quickly comes to mind to remedy this could be to only allow accounts that are at least 2 weeks old (or something like that) to be able to join a GB.

@jescereal: Yes, there’s definitely a bit of a learning curve for new buyers when it comes to buying from Chinese vendors and having reasonable quality and delivery time expectations.

What we really need here on BLF is a page with a recompilation of all of Jack’s fantastic limericks!

I’ve been on many forums, and have never seen the word troll used as much as it is here. It actually seems to be meant to anger the person that posted something a person didn’t agree with. Ironically the person doing the name calling is often the only troll. I agree this forum strives for better more than any other. But I don’t think it achieves more than any other.

Of all the forums I have been on, I have never seen a simple disagreement lose its civility except for here. Of all the forums I have been on, I have never been called a troll except for here. Of all the forums I have been on, I have never been passively threatened, except for here.

Perhaps that’s because the standards of expected behavior are higher here?

(Not necessarily a good thing: there’s less tolerance, there are more seemingly punitive responses.)

Heh, okay, well at the risk of being ironic:

(1) You haven’t been on many Internet forums, or
(2) You’re trolling. (Yeah, this is where it becomes ironic.)

Seriously, if you have been threatened, how about a link to the post, rather than just claim it?

idk. Punitive is a interesting word though. There’s no shortage of vigilante moderation.

Actually I would prefer that he just PM me a link.

No, no we’re not taking this thread there. It happened before your join date though.

I did contact you back then. It was not recent. I have not been around much since then as you can imagine.


I do think the phrase “vigilante moderation” is worth a second thought. And that has nothing to do with SB. I think SB does his job well and professionally. It’s the posts by non-moderators that are punitive in an unprofessional way.

Well, I definitely don’t want BLF to turn into a threatening environment. As I mentioned, I don’t read every single post, and sometimes I don’t catch nuances just by reading/skimming if I wasn’t actually involved in the conversation. So I’d like to kindly ask everyone to please let me know via PM if a conversation turns ugly. I do try to handle each and every case.

The threat thing was an isolated incident with one unstable member. Totally different than what I wanted to discuss here.

I understand, but whether it’s a threat or just simply rudeness I would like to know about it, especially in the case of those who seem to be developing a habit of posting that way.

It seems to me that most heated arguments start when a possible threat of being taken advantage of or what is construed as an injustice is compounded by no one giving a look into the validity of the claim being made in the first place. Dog piling as it were... It seems to me that so many people are looking "for a reason" to jump on someone any chance they get....