Are we not capable of a little better?

Yeah, this, or else attacking the person who makes the claim with insulting labels instead of calmly discussing the actual issue at stake. Ultimately we should be willing to just back down so as to maintain the peace around here or even admit to being mistaken rather than digging in our heels to the detriment of the community.

Exactly, look at both sides logically. Logic always prevails.

Common sense is a rare commodity these days which is why we must default to logic, even then there are!

What a paradox eh? Common sense is uncommon!

Humans do have an amazing capacity for believing what they choose, and excluding that which is painful.

Laugh when you can,
apologize when you should,
and let go of what you can’t change.
Life’s too short to be anything… but happy.

True robo, and a Labrador Retriever just wants to lick you to death and chase a ball, no matter who you are. Shame we can’t all have the amicable personality of a Lab. :wink: Guess it’d never work. Every time there was a ball or a squirrel we’d drop everything and run slobbering blissfully, wholeheartedly dedicated to the chase…

That's right, unconditional love. Aah, but the ever reaching loss of innocence...

To err is human, to forgive is divine...

For me BLF has the same relaxed and helpful feeling of a home-brewers forum I was active on 15 years ago
And as there were people there who took things just a bit to serious there so are here.
As there were a few people there who were not always nice so are here and in any given group.
Most active members are helpful and nice and that is what counts.
I have seen people apologize for mistakes, a rarity on fora.
Yes I just really like the active crowd and the very tiny few rotten apples are easy to ignore

This is the problem. If you are used to Fenix, Nitecore, Jetbeam, and other premium lights, they cost a lot more but have fewer defects. You pay for the extra attention to detail. Complaining about a chipped box or small scratch on a budget light is ridiculous.

Very true. If you don’t agree with what is said, let go. Arguments rarely end in someone saying “oh, you changed my mind”. Just lead the discussion to the next topic and don’t hammer on someone out of habit or for the fun of it.

Okay, fair enough. But why bring it up here, if you don’t want to discuss it? It’s a fairly serious accusation. It might even be criminal in some jurisdictions.

I just don’t like to see a forum tarnished with accusations like that, without any evidence. I have not seen any threats here, despite lurking for about 3 years. I’m not saying it doesn’t occasionally exist, but it doesn’t appear to be a problem.

As I said before, this forum is cleaner than 99% of them out there. If you want to see real threats, then go to video sites like Youtube or Liveleak, or the comment sections of news sites (though many of those comment sections are getting shut down, due to abuse).

Very good point, but please let SB deal with it. This will just lead to more arguing.

Gotcha. Arguing in a thread about not arguing. Irony! Or, maybe predictable? :wink:

Nope, lets just call it, wanting to participate....

Well I feel better having sanded some of the sharp edges off my experience. And SB apologized a couple times today for letting my bad one fall through the crack, he found the original PM today. I’m ready to get back to it. Hopefully others can take a breath and then find the fun in BLF from being helpful and informative to each other rather than attacking differences for a thrill.

We make a living by what we get.

We make a life by what we give.

- Winston Churchill

You know, if you think about it even a family argues every now and then, its not the arguing that takes the toll, it is what comes next, do you agree to disagree, argument over lets debate and have a beer, or continuing on in some vain hope that you can force the other one to see it your way <——<< never going to happen.

I think most of us have made posts that in reflection should not have been made, me too :8) so if you see one try not to bite, instead reply in a manner that you would talk to a priest/rabbie/parson or whomever you respect :wink:

I now use the preview button to review what I have typed, before checking the spelling, try it you might be surprised at how many times you then forget about it or alter the wording 8)

Cheers David

I was taught that it’s a bad idea to wrestle with a pig because you both get dirty, only the pig enjoys it. It’s sad to see the decline of civility in the world in general, not just in the forums. Far too often, in the real world, I see people fail to be courteous, or fail to recognize when people are courteous to them. How hard is it to say “Thank you” when someone holds a door open for you, or yields the right of way in a crowded store aisle? I see too many people who seem to feel entitled to have me open doors for them or move my shopping cart off to the side. People just don’t seem to appreciate when nice things are done for them. In spite of the fact that I’m a noob, For the most part everyone in here has treated me respectfully and courteously and for that, I thank all of you. It’s definitely a lot easier to avoid pig wrestling when people don’t make unnecessary snide comments, relevant to the topic or not. If the past few months represent a rise in hostilities in this forum, it must have truly been something special in the past, as for the most part, I’ve seen very little immaturity in my brief time as a member. I know how easy it is to snap or vent at someone in response, but that just adds gasoline to the fire. At the risk of sounding condescending, my hats off to all of you for keeping it friendly.

I haven’t heard this term before but I like it.

Nicely stated sir!

Please dont take this as trolling or stalking.

4968 Woohoo, .