Are you calling me a Liar ???

pretty sure he was referring to the song ....


Next time I’m at the bank, I think I’ll hand them a dollar bill and ask them to Googol it. :partying_face:

It’s just like driving through the city, near total anonymity, so civility is often totally forgotten.

63? I have underwear that old! Enjoy yourself my young friend, things are about to get more complicated.

I think most verbal disagreements are the result of folks having lost the ability to think objectively…… which is imperative to knowing the ‘truth’.
Unfortunately, now it seems most people are more comfortable following than they are at thinking.

Got my first flashlights when you were only a twinkle in your dads eye.
My first car radio had no transistors but vacuum tubes (though nice in winter).
Imho you are just scratching at the meaning of old age. Enjoy while you still can !!

Geriatric Light Forum. :smiley:

Fragile faith based egos and unwillingness for education (because they already know everything)

Tatata, I’m not a Belieber. :wink:

The dumber someone is, the less they’re able to see anything but the most basic surface of any issue, and the more they see the world as just black and white. Less intelligent people are more likely to say things like “You calling me a liar?” because everything seems simple to them (even though it’s really not…it’s just all that they can comprehend.)

The smarter someone is, the more they see all of the contributing factors and how complex everything is, and the more they see a thousand shades of gray. More intelligent people are less likely to say things like “You calling me a liar?” because they understand that on top of life’s complexities, you have to add personal perspective/experience on top of that, and that as a result, every person is going to have a slightly different view on things. It doesn’t mean someone is lying if they see things differently than you.

When called a liar I go with the “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone” thing.

I ask if they ever told anyone that Santa, the Easter bunny, the tooth fairy or the elf on the shelf is real.

It’s surprising. The admission of age we saw absolutely did not match the behavior we’ve seen. :question:


— Clara Oswald

Okay. So I guess you’re in your 70s 80s maybe even 90s!

The only thing I scratch is my head with disbelief at people sometimes.

Dogs are better than people.

Number One never hold a resentment.

Number two loyal.

Number three grateful and appreciative for everything.

Number Fout unconditional love.

I Have yet to meet a human being that can practice that consistently.

I still believe I’m in the top 10% as far as age on here. It’s all perspective a 20-year-old thinks his parents are old and 50-year-old thinks his grandparents are old so on and so forth.

I have hope as far as longevity goes. My grandmother was one of eight. Six of them lived between 97 and 103 years old. Three of them over 100. That’s the Italian side.

U know.

Hmmm; No passouts sign on the door got me thinkin’

I agree……. Ive always considered myself a good judge of people…… that’s why I dont like em.

When my time does come……
IF there is a heaven and IF I qualify and IF I am given the choice …… (All doubtful)
I will choose to go to ‘Dog Heaven’ …… much better ‘Eternal Company’.

But most dogs like people, so I assume a dog heaven would include a lot of humans ¯\/¯.

Hmmmm…… guess I will be looking for some Yonder up there too :beer: :beer: :innocent:

Love your neighbour like yourself.
Is less hard when you realize you’re as much of a jerk as others are.