Well, you should at least a little, as I have 2 lights and 1 host to be given away with luck of the draw.
Three people (I have modders in mind because these are under-performers and can serve as hosts, and the 501B is JUST the host) will win. Just pick a number between 1 and 2500. The top three closest picks to my pre-selected random number will get their pick of one of these.
Going from left to right, new UF 501B host, Uniquefire 2200 U2 XM-L, Keygos KE-67 with car and wall chargers. Lights are in very good condition and practically unused.
This is CONUS only due to those friendly neighborhood shipping charges. Items will ship Monday at 10 am. Just putting any random number as your post qualifies you. The Keygos comes with vehicle and and wall charger. This is totally free for you. Winners will be announced Sunday night.
Years ago the canned answer would have been 69.....but I've been married way too long. So, I'm going to go with 1250, as that's the # of lumens I could get out the front of one of those with a copper mounted xml. Then again, a well driven xpg 2 would be neat...
I’m handy at repairing / building all sorts of things and have access to a machine shop at work. Maybe I could jump start my modding career with one of these - 711 my kids bday. Awesome
583 Please kind sir.My daughter just randomly picked the number,shes weirdly lucky with raffles and charity tickets.Unfortunetly,the National and Euro Lotterys shes failed at so far.Weve got a house full of Teddys and Old Ladys knitting.Instead of £££$$$$cash….lol,Great gesture ,good luck to all.
Dam ,Conus must be your pond side only,see,that daughter of mine strikes again