Armtek Wizard Pro xhp50 2300 lumens!

Pretty awesome light and I like it a lot as my first headlamp. I ended up getting the warm white version.

So far I like most things about it. Its plenty bright and provides a nice floody beam which is missing from my collection of lights.

The light is pretty light weight. The size isn’t too large (but a little longer than I expected). I like the feel of Armytek’s anodized surface. For now, I’ve put the clip on and can see the versatility of a headlamp as an EDC. I’m getting used to holding it though as a handheld as I have to angle my hand differently.

I’m so used to the Zebralight UI so the Armytek UI takes a little adjusting to me. In some ways, I like how you can “quickly” switch/use each of the levels in each group (firefly/main/turbo/strobe) instead of having to programming it like in Zebralight. But then switching to different groups requires more clicking vs just long press in Zebralight. So far, I’d say one isn’t better than another…just different style.

The only minor grip I have is the warm white is a little too yellow…but its “pretty”/comfy after I turn it up to main 3 (500 lm) or higher. The cool white looks a little too cool to me. But this was only noticeable when I compared them side by side. What swayed me was shining both versions on hands and seeing the color difference.

Also, main1 (100 lm) seems too close to main 2 (210 lm) to me as the light difference isn’t that big to my eyes.

Otherwise, fantastic light. I’m glad I gave Armytek another chance.

Forgive me if its mentioned already… I found a “primarily” manual for this version while randomly browsing and visiting links to different forums regarding this light. I also found the manual via googling Armytek Wizard Pro v3 manual.

Regarding the blinking and voltage indicator… I’m not exactly sure if this is correct, but its what I’m inferring from the text and the diagrams.

When the battery is from 50–100, it’ll blink green every 5 seconds.
When the battery drops to 50%, it’ll blink yellow every 5 seconds.
When the battery drops to 25%, it’ll blink orange every 2 seconds.
When the battery drops to 10%, it’ll blink red every 1 second.

But I guess there can be some confusion since orange and red is used for high temperature indication too.

I ordered these for the ArmyTek

They should work nicely, first I was using 30Q but haven’t noticed any sooner step down in turbo 2 using the GA.

Thanks Will. I’ll let you know how they hold up on turbo 2 :slight_smile:

Please help! I’m so on the fence over which tint to order, I always prefer NW over CW, mostly for the better color rendition.

I’m not a fan of tints that are too warm and yellow (like incan), I don’t have any WW lights, but on the tint comparison beamshots that Calvin posted I kind of like the WW on this. I like a pure white and I like how NW makes the colors “pop” especially outdoors and the green vegetation.

The CW on this has been said to be more of a NW, my concern is if its neutral enough to have the benefit of better color rendition I’m used to seeing in a NW?

Here are all the comments I could find about the tints. maybe someone can comment further to help me decide?

Anyone got the WW and wish now they would have got the CW, or visa-versa?

Lol… I may have the same preference as you.

I went with WW cause I thought I can tolerate the warm tint. At higher brightness, it’s pretty pleasing to the eyes, but in the incandescent way… But at lower levels, it can appear pretty yellow and dim. Maybe it’s the optics, but the lower level combined with the warmth makes the light looks a lot dimmer to my eyes.

All I can say is I’m currently struggling with the warmth and have some regret about not getting the CW… But maybe one thing that contributes to me feeling this is my wall and carpet at home are slightly yellow/tan it it exacerbates the yellowness. Lol.

It’s too bad this light didn’t come with neutral of about 4500k-5000k. I love the tint in my Zebralight SC5w and BLF 348.

That said, I did take the light to the nearby park after dark (no lights in the park) and boy did the Max 2 level throw a wall of light. Very impressed.

If I compare my CW armytek side by side to other real CW tints such as XPL HI V2 1A and XML2 U4 1A, I see a neutral tint with bit of green in the lower modes, in the higher modes I would say the temperature is between 5000-5500k. However those tints I compared it with are in the border of being considered blue-ish by some, they are even cooler than the XPG2 S4 2B.

It all depends on your tint preference, if you are used to true cool white tint ~6500k-7000k like me, this will look neutral to you. I’m not unhappy with the tint, but would’ve liked a true CW like my other lights with XHP50 J4 1A. Lumens over CRI for me.

Color rendition is as good as my Nichia 219C 70CRI+. A plus side of a warmer tint is that it doesn’t blind you as bad.

Ouch! Both green and blue in one light depending on the brightness? Wow…not sure what to think now… I don’t like greenish at all and slight blue I can tolerate…

Much thanks guys for your helpful input!

That doesn’t sound good.

That doesn’t sound good either!



That’s good to hear :slight_smile:


I couldn’t agree more.



Getting closer to a decision but still a tough one for me….
for the lower modes “yellow and dim” doesn’t appeal to me (WW) …and neither does “a bit of green” (CW)

Just checked my cool white (really neutral white) at all levels. I see no hint of green at all.

@beam0: I guess the main thing I can say is whether you want a tint you may like or a tint to complement what you have or don’t have? Do you have any warm lights? The only other warm light I have is the Astrolux A01 and that one felt more “dirty” yellow to me. My Wizard warm white isn’t too bad in comparison. On further reflection…the warm isn’t horrible or anything. Its really pleasant to me on higher levels (just with warm tint).

From the few pictures I’ve seen for the CW, it looks pretty white. But maybe this is hard to tell from pictures the monitor though.

Too bad I don’t have unlimited funds as I can just get both…and use both at the same time with the light focused on the same spot to make my own “neutral”. :smiley:

Actually, I don’t even know if you can shine a warm and cool white light to make a neutral…hm… Can’t wait to go home and try it out! lol!

Please note that my “green” is only visible in the low modes and when compared side by side with other 6500k+ emitters, I have no problem with very CW lights but am extremely sensitive and picky towards green even if there’s only a tiny bit of it, or maybe it’s just my eyes so don’t take my words for granted.

For the rest of the people it might just look neutral.

G'Day fellow BLF'ers,

Could you Please tell me if your delivered Armytek Wizard Pro v3 XHP50 included a User Manual for it? Or?

As online they only have the User Manual for v2.

Thank you Very Much,


I think that, as with all Cree emitters, there’s probably a bit of a “tint lottery” at work here. My Wizard Pro ww isn’t green at all. Yes it’s warmer than most of of my lights, but just barely, and could be described as a bit “dirty”, meaning there’s a tannish component, but I see no green.

And I’ve got some green emitters, like the XHP35 in my zebra SC63w. This one is nothing like that. I like it a lot. But unfortunately ymmv.

Mine did not

No English but great beamshots (3:00~4:35) & Lux measurement.(4:40~6:20)
ARMYTEK Wizard v3/Wizard v3 pro NW/Wizard v3 pro CW/Acebeam H10
To my eye, Acebeam H10 with MT-G2 has best tint/color & slightly brighter

Here's a link to the manual, it's still not completely accurate, for example the 40 lumens should say 100 lumens but it's more accurate than the V2 manuals:

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G'Day atbglenn,

Thank you Very Much for your reply.

Best Regards,


My Pleasure George :slight_smile:

G'Day Calvin,

Thank you Very Much for the Greatly Appreciated link to the Armytek Wizard Pro v3 XHP50 User Manual.

Best Regards,
