Hi guys.
Recommend me please how to unscrew top of the tailcap to get inside without much damage.
Any tool for that from junk drawer?
Hi guys.
Recommend me please how to unscrew top of the tailcap to get inside without much damage.
Any tool for that from junk drawer?
Since second tailcap stopped working I need to open it badly.
Any ideas how to get inside without damage?
Practice on the first one that went bad — what’s it look like on the inside
Do you have a 3D-Printer?
A bolt head of the appropriate size. It’s probably not going to be real tight. If it’s in between your metric sizes you may have to find a source for an SAE or standard size.
I use needle nosed pliers for unscrewing that type of retaining ring.
Could it be opened from the inside? That is, a retaining ring holding the switch PCB and the rubber against the outer shell from the inside?
To open this, pointed pliers or a lens opener tool would be useful. There may be two small holes or notches in the ring to grip and unscrew it.
No. Only way is to unscrew rubber side.
This shiny, black part around rubber must be unscrewed to get inside.
Yes I do. No designing experience, but I can print anything.
I thought to print kind of wrench which will fit round corners in tailcap, but I need someone to make a project file.
You probably need to cut Spheres instead of cylinders?
I give you dimensions tomorrow afternoon.
Thank you, Mike
A nut would work also. If the switch doesn’t allow you to sink it deep enough you could drill out the center of the nut larger.
I’d like to try plastic first to avoid scratches.
Use electrical tape on the nut. It’s likely not very tight. I removed a bezel a few years ago with no marks. I think it was a wowtac a2s.
You could also try pressing the tailcap with a thick o-ring onto the desk. Might work if it’s not glued.
I tried that. Seem to be glued. Nut with sticky tape - I try tomorrow, but recess is very shallow.
I purchased one of these to replace wifes watch battery one time. Looks like it work for flashlights too.
It has three adjustable studs and the handle allows you to get quit a bit of torq on it.
I would try by taping some soft (pine) wood in a vice and then some hard rubber on top of the wood. Then clamp down on the switch retaining ring to put enough pressure to be able to unscrew it.
If that doesn’t work, you could also carve the wood to give more surface area on the switch to be able to unscrew it.
I had success with a similar nut (not on a light) and was able to trim two short pieces of thick walled aluminum tubing to slide over the tips of snap ring pliers…leave them a bit longer so the tips don’t poke out the end. I suppose you could do the same with ABS or nylon…those are easily available as short spacers if you can find smaller ones. The 3D printed wrench sounds like a winner if you can do that.
Presumably you have already tried the “warranty”?