Asking BLF members to Write reviews for us

why not?.. just make sure the reviewer post beamshots please…
i just hate those reviewer who write nice things about the light and post nice pics of the light but no beamshots comparison at all… missing all the important point.
why bother to review the light if you’re not going to post beamshots?

Now I have a purpose for not posting beamshots :stuck_out_tongue:
Just kidding, it is annoying. I try to post them right away, but for some reason I sometimes forget to take them.

I know that I do like to see beam shots but I think they are only necessary if the light is something different or special. I reviewed the Raysoon zoomie for LightsCastle but I didn’t post beamshots because I think everyone knows what a zoomie looks like don’t they? It’s just the typical flood to zoom where the flood is round and the zoom is square. Not much to see really. I would have posted some if it was unique in some way. Like it really out-threw other zoomies or had a bad ring or something like that. But what’s the point in wasting bandwidth when it’s just like every other decent zoomie T6?

So yah, beamshots are nice if you are really wondering how something compares but if they are pretty much the same as all the others there isn’t much point.

TrustFire TR-D007 ,2* XML T6+ 2× red laser bike light ,81.83 usd now!
TrustFire CREE XML-T6 +2 * XPE-R2 ,72.9 usd now !
MagicShine MJ-870 , Waterproof 3-CREE XP-G 4-Mode 1200-Lumen LED Bike Light With Battery Pack Set ,115 usd now!

I’m not being a jerk, but why would you want red lasers on a bike light? TrustFire TR-D007

to warn runners that there is a serious bike behind?

haha ,I don’t know exactly ,but every time I go biking along the seaside at night ,I can see some of the bikers use bikelights as well as lasers ,most of the lasers are green ,some are red.
Just like this one:Waterproof 2 Straight Lines Red Laser ,maybe it is just a warning or someone may think they are cool .The effect of 320093 is just as the following picture

and as to Trustfire TR007 ,it has two switch ,one for the light and one for the laser . The switch for the light can be attached to your handlebar ,and you can control the light easily.

Sorry for misleading you ,I just don’t want to creat too much thread as Mr Admin told me. Maybe I have misunderstood him and I should creat a new thread ,one is for reviews and one is for sale products.

Crystal sent me the laser tail light in the picture above for a test review. I’m currently working on a video demonstration/review on how the thing works. But it basically it draws two laser lines on the pavement- one on the left and one on the right side of the bike- and to me it seems gives other riders a safe area around your bike. While I can say it looks cool, I don’t know if it’s necessary. Maybe in an area where a lot of people get around on bikes at night?

Anyway all questions will be answered in a week or two, when I’m done with the video- work schedule permitting.