Dear members,
While someone is still working on the next kit to fix the Cometa (since the second one is also not working, and there will be no kit able to make Cometa working at 100%), It’s been weeks of working with a Bg referent, asking the full refund without the need of going through the Paypal claim procedure (and without being asked pics, videos…).
We worked a lot. Maybe hoping we are at the end.
Note that at this point we have not been assured the refund, but in order to get there, we have been asked to collect the details of the members (from Cpfitalia where i already post a message like this, and BLF) of who bought the COMETA.
So, I kindly ask to the members who have not received a refund, to send me by PM these details who i will give to BG for counting how many members are asking the refund:
- ID of the transaction
- Tracking number
- Email of your BG account
PayPal account
We have not reached a deal about the refunding of the shipping fees.
Thanks for your cooperation
Ps. I corrected some spelling mistakes. I apologize for that, but English is not my mother tongue.
Maybe we can arrange refund without re-sending the item.
That’s a big IF, but we are working on it.
If the things do work out, the only way to get the refund is to give us the details asked above.
Good luck with the paypal case :+1:
BG tricked me out of getting a paypal refund with some very sharp business practice :person_facepalming:
Early on in the Cometa fiasco I raised a paypal dispute for a refund when I received a DOA & damaged Cometa.
I was contacted by BG who said that they would send me an updated Cometa with all the problems resolved.
I agreed to the replacement believing BG.
They then contacted me & said that due to the way their replacement system worked they could not send me a replacement until I had closed the paypal dispute.
I stupidly believed them having little experience of paypal disputes & no experience of how BG”s replacement system worked so closed the dispute.
BG sent me a replacement that other than the addition of a plastic washer was exactly the same as my first light so all the problems had not been resolved.
This light worked for a few seconds then died.
I am now unable to use paypal as I closed the dispute so hope that Budda & won can sort something out.
I am still trying to get a resolution from BG with no luck.
Do not ever close a paypal dispute until you have received a solution you are happy with.
I want to remember to all members that i will collect all details until Monday 18, then i will write again to BG giving them the details i have received.
Hi Budda, just to confirm on here what I posted in my PM to you yesterday (as you requested) I have today received a refund from BG for my Cometa so please delete me from the list of buyers wanting a refund.
Also to confirm that in my latest round of emails with BG CS I refused to send anymore videos or pictures, although they asked me repeatedly in every email, & I was not asked to return my light.
TBH the Miller I had given up & was just going to put this down to experience.
I had been waiting for weeks & weeks for a replacement to come that I had had shipping confirmation for.
The end of last week I contacted BG CS & asked where the replacement was as it had been a long time with nothing arriving.
They informed me that I had already received it & the date they gave me that I had received it on was 16 days before the date they had shipped it ?
I asked how this could be & they then said that there wasn”t a replacement coming & that it was a “glitch” in their system.
I pointed out that the replacement was showing in my orders, & as shipped, that I had received a shipping confirmation email from CS & had also had confirmation that a replacement had been shipped from their webchat.
I then received an email stating that if I wanted a replacement I had to send videos & pictures :person_facepalming:
As you know I have already been through all that.
I refused to send any more videos & pictures & pointed out that there was no need as they had seen lots already from various dissatisfied customers & yet more from me would show nothing new.
They then told me that they didn”t think that I knew how to operate the light properly & that that was the problem & to send them a video of how I was trying to use it :person_facepalming:
Then they said that they had been in touch with Manker who had informed them that I could not have encountered problems with the item :person_facepalming:
I kept on politely pointing out that they knew all about the many problems with the light & eventually on Wednesday they said they would give me a refund which appeared in my paypal account today :+1:
No disrespect but who are you? Are you with cyberescudo? CPF Italia? BG? I would love to get a refund for this light but I’d like to know who you are before I give you all that info. Thanks.
Hi KutKhemist, i’m Alberto one of the administrator of CPFItalia. No i’m not with Cyberscudo.
I’m here like Budda, for trying to solve this big problem that is created. As you can image this issue is damaging the name of my forum, and BG didn’t do anything to solve definitively this problem, but i want to try to arrive to an end this story once and for all.
When i said BG i mean Neal but Now I’m in contact, as i already wrote some messages above, with another reference of BG and she asked me a list of members and their details, to count how many users want the full refund without passing for the customer care service of BG, and trying to obtain it.
If you don’t trust me or this method and you don’t want to share your details with me (i will never post it anywhere, but only give them to the refecence of BG), you’re absolutely free to decide.
Don’t want to give us the info? you’re free to do so. We won’t try to convince you.we are here to help. Not to beg.
You think that you are better doing yourself with paypal/BG? Good for you. We wish you best luck.
I had no hesitation to send this information to Won. I think there is a fair chance this will work out. Better than the alternatives I have seen so far.
For your Cometa, Wonwuster requests by PM:
- ID of the transaction
- Tracking number
- Email of your BG account
Email of your PayPal account
Not so risky or complicated in my opinion. I am hopeful. Thanks Won!