Astrolux EC03 is an amazing flashlight. With the use of 3 LEDs XHP 50.2 very impressive brightness up to 6700 lumens. The lamp’s heat dissipation ability is also very impressive. What do you like the Astrolux EC03 the most.
Thank you for your review. I jumped on this instant classic light as soon as I could. I got mine from the freeme group buy July 9th, and then I got two more August 4, for a total of three Astrolux EC03.
What I like about the EC03: My three samples: Factory specs appear to be under reported. Smooth, ample reflector wells and ample SS bezel impart good looks. Much tighter hot spot than other single 21700 3 x 50.2 lights. This is a really great, must have light, and the cost is almost practically free. I should buy a crate of them, while they are still available.
Very nice review thanks. One of the lights I'm probably going to buy soon.
Thank you my friend
Thank you so much my friend