I have the MF-04 and the BLF GT and to be honest the throw between them looks the same to my eyes my MF beam looks a little bit brighter in CW over the giggles 4000k
Thank you for your replies.
I think the S at the end means the 70.2 in instead of the 35?.
I don’t know why the manufactures prefer the 35 over the 70.2 for long throw, having both avilable.
Maybe to make me spend more money. Clever guys.
I tested the light last night in one of the bridges of the Caloosachatche river. This one is 1.1 miles long.
It wakes up everybody at the other shore. Plays with it. Needs the other bridge tonight. Which is longer.
I have a 220w searchlight HID, and this light defines the objects better. The HID has a way wider beam.
But the light blinds you at your end. I’ll need a spotter. Or a helper to hold the HID while I watch.