I have had type 1 diabetes now for over 45 years and since my vision has become worse as time went by I’ve had a right detached retina a vitirectomy so many laser surgeries I lost count after 13 I do were trifocal progressive glasses.I ve used headlights and jewelers glasses ,but I just don’t have any depth perception .it has got so poor that last Monday I was cutting my toes nails and i cut the tip of my left small toe it’s healing well no sings of infection,and I saw my retina specialist on Tuesday Aug 2nd and he told me that my depth perception peripheral and might vision is suffering due to laser surgeries and now age.
Well I modded to give me something to due since a hobby since becoming unable to work in 2007 to give something from going stir crazy because I live in such a rural area,and as it was i sucked soldering when I could see a little but after ruining some expensive drivers,so after talking with a trusted peer and yesterday frying more lights than I care to admit iam think of hanging up my soldering iron as no more innocent lights need to suffer.when I first started modding it was because I couldn’t afford to buy any decent torches ,and then I started to enjoy it even though I was never really any good at it i enjoyed it,now I can once in a while splurge in a couple of decent lights ,but now iam wondering what am I going to do 12+hours a day to keep from going stir crazy.
Thanks MRS DNF ,Oam not at that point I can see TV well with glasses but the depth perception,like curbs or stairs or when o try so solder small parts I can use a light and jewelers magnifying glasses ,but everything seems to be 2d not 3d and thats where I get into problems ,an i have satellite TV but I don’t want to become a fatter couch potatoe just vegetation infront of the tv I know when it cools down i go for a lot of walks ,thank you for the information and cincern.
Any local projects you can donate your time to? Doing for others can help take your mind to a more positive place. You still have skills and knowledge that has value.
I know how you feel, I’m about two jumps behind you. I have a whole bunch of real nice drivers and emitters here that just might not get put into anything.
As far as the exercise goes, we bought a good quiet running treadmill and I make myself spend an hour on it every morning while watching the bad news (and maybe an episode of Cops) on TV. I don’t set any speed records, but at least I’m on my feet instead of on my butt. I’m even getting pretty good at drinking coffee while I walk.
All I can offer is my sympathy. It is hard to get old and even harder when debilitating diseases add to it. I do not have any answers, only my sympathy and hope that you can find a way to help pass the time and possibly find something that will help ease your situation.
I wish the best possible for you and I am sure we all feel the same. If there is ever anything I can do just let me know.
knowing the downside of poor vision that cannot be dealt with other then acceptance I know all too well how frustrating it is not to be ble to do things others are taking for granted (such as driving a car)
We live semi rural.
So I can walk or go on the bike to the shops if needed.
I assume you can’t drive anymore so doing something community driven could be hard.
I hope you can figure something out, maybe try to get a weekly activity at your place with people from the community.
When I read “rural”I think nature and for example the Eagle Scouts love flashlights and nature so there could be a nice win win there.
Hello, you could try to use Samsung gear VR or Google cardboard. It is focused on entertainment but i have heard that it helped some people to retrieve 3d vision.
Here you can read some experiences with 3d content
Thanks all how can I say ,I love lights and they kept me busy and happy for hours ,i ve thought about 3d glasses I just didn’t know much about them maybe that’s a worth a try,we did have an elliptical for boutique 7 years i would walk about 45 minutes as day,Iam just bummed because I enjoyed although not proficient at it modding lights,but I have burnt my fingers enough and fried enough mountain max boost drivers,and thing around here have become better financially so I can buy a decent light once and a while,ill find something and you all have given me some great ideas,thank you all
I also want to add I love this community I have made some truly great people here here and iam glad iam part of this community and forum and I always live reading reviews or mods you all do.
I am a 72 years old retired Truck and Automobile Journeymen Mechanic with three destroyed back discs. It has been progressively getting worse the last twenty years.
Old age is a difficult path and the transition requires a different kind of strength. The number of people like myself and the starter of this thread make up a good number of the population.
We live in a culture that worships neoteny and turns its back on full adulthood.